Installing Service Bus 1.0 and Service Bus 1.1 in Azure VM – Exit code: 15010 – Error 1722 – Installation success or error status: 1603

Have been doing a lot of Azure provisioning lately and ran across an interesting issue with the latest VMs in Azure.  Seems some registry keys are missing which will cause you to run across these errors:

MSI (s) (44:CC) [21:33:14:551]: Note: 1: 1722 2: DoFabricSetup 3: C:Program FilesWindows FabricinFabricFabric.Code.1.0MSIHiddenAppLauncher.exe 4: FabricSetup /operation:install /gac /trace:"C:ProgramDataWindows FabricFabriclog" /fabricDataRoot:"C:ProgramDataWindows Fabric\" /traceBufferSizeInKB:128 /traceFileSizeInMB:128 /fabricPrincipal:"contosos2admin" CustomAction DoFabricSetup returned actual error code 1 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)

FabricSetup.EventLog,wevtutil failed to install manifest C:Program FilesWindows Exit code: 15010 

A partial solution was provided across a couple posts out there, but nothing that comprehensiving fixes it right away:

  • – Talks about various reasons why you might get these errors, none resolved my issue
  • – Talks about a service not being enabled, but in my case it was
  • that Channel "0" is missing in another instance
  •– Shows that the Azure VM Agent causes an issue with installing and uninstalling things.  This partially fixes the problem, but was missing the "0" channel.  Adding it with the right values fixes the Service Bus install issue:

Here is the full registry file to get Service Bus 1.0 and Service Bus 1.1 to install in Azure VMs:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00






