SharePoint Tool Ideas For YOU to Build!

Looking for the next thing to build for SharePoint?  Here's a quick list from notes over the years:

  • Claims filter web part (2010)
    • This would present a set of registered claims to be used in BI solutions (Excel Services, Report Services, Performance Point, etc)
  • Velocity Sandbox Solution disable (2010) – as suggested by @sahilmalik
    • When in an Sandbox environment, if one Sandbox Solution goes crazy based on X rate, you deactivate it
  • Generic Sandbox Solution Validator – I BUILT THIS ONE ALREADY!
  • Timer Job Disabler – I BUILT THIS ONE ALREADY!
  • A feature that inserts a status message when the Site has not been used or is about to be deleted (2010)
  • Column Updater for field names
    • This tool would update all column names for a specific field type
      across an entire farm in the event the name of the field changes.
  • Custom event handler to call IFilters and then parse files for bad words (similar to ForeFront feature)
  • Create email alias in active directory/exchange from the email settings page (if site collection admin)
  • Copy file permissions to a document library from NTFS
  • HttpModule to intercept and encrypt documents on "View"
  • Wiki linking based on different word other than page name
  • Extend web application policy permissions (override site collection level permissons)
  • Find and replace web part instances and migrate audience settings tool
  • Solution query tool (show what features are part of the solution wsp on central admin)
  • Page to add Multiple columns at once for content types (especially page layouts)

Ok, you guys and gals get to work!

SharePoint Site/List/Item Effective Permission Finder!

This is amazing, I was simply trying to figure out what the SharePoint Designer (Site->Contributor Settings) would do to permissions in the database.  So, I built this entire application to do it, but then realized after I got it built that SPDesigner simply creates a file in the _contributor_settings directory in the content database and doesn't tough anything else. DOH!  

This tool will find the effective permission for an object in a site.  It uses a combination of object model (to get the siteid) and direct calls to the content database (rather than slow object model).  This tool must be run by an administrator on a SP box in the farm.  I went ahead and added in my "Find empty permission objects" code too.

Oh, and by the way, there is a column called PermMaskDeny in the Roles table.  Even though SharePoint doesn't have a front end UI or object model deny mechanism…it seems they are thinking ahead to be able to implement explicit "deny" in SharePoint!  Maybe in 2010?  I did try setting it to something (all 1s), but it didn't do anything 🙁  Oh well…
