I had a student ask me the other day if ForeFront would filter "Tags", "MetaData" and the various other new Social networking features of SharePoint 2010. I know it will filter the content of a document, but the metadata and tags…interesting question! To test it, I downloaded ForeFront Protection for SharePoint 2010 and installed it.
I open the ForeFront Protection Console and configure the software to filter based on bad words. In this case, we are going to say the word "Apple" is a bad word 🙂
To do this I open the Policy Management tab. I then click Filter Lists and then "Create". I select the "Keyword" option and then click "Next".
I create a Filter List called "Bad Words". In the Filter Criteria, I type "Apple" and click "Add":
Then click "Next" and move on to the Realtime Scan settings. Obviously I want this to be realtime, so I leave all the setting and click "Next".
I click "Next" on the "Schedule" and "On-Demand" steps and then click "Create". I then click "Save" to save my new Filter list.
Next step is to make sure the Central Administration has the Anti-virus settings turned on:
Once all that has happend, it is time to test our new filtering. I create a document called "Apple.docx" with the text "Apple" inside it. I try to upload the document and I get this:
First, it is the right error, but there is a SharePoint 2010 bug here, the resource string did not get replaced properly when the site was created, or they missed the key in the .resx file for the English language pack!
I create another document without the word "Apple" in it, but instead I add a new column called "Custom" to the document library. I add the document and set the column value to "Apple", when I upload the document, all works fine and it lets me upload and set the metadata to "Apple".
Taking it one more step, let's try tagging the document as "Apple". And again, it lets me tag the item as "Apple".
Given all the governance issues around metadata and tagging, it would seem that Forefront should also be able to filter the meta data and the social networking aspects of SharePoint, but alias, it does not.