Rapid Solution Deployment – SharePoint 2010

Blog #5 in How I Successfully Upgraded eBay to SharePoint 2010 – See Previous Blog In Series

As part of the eBay upgrade, we had several code changes that had to be made and tested.  This included Solution Deployment and all its glory.  One of the things I really got tired of doing was going into Central Adminsitration and undeploying solutions.  It is a very painful process.  You may ask, why didn't you do it through Visual Studio…yeah right…it errors out half the time and never really gives you a great message on how to resolve it.  Therefore, I wrote a script for that!  I'm going to be posting several of the scripts we utilized to very common processes during the upgrade.  Here is the script that we built to deploy the solutions:

$minutes = $args[0]

if (-not $minutes)
$minutes = 15

$di = new-object system.io.directoryinfo("c:WSPDirectory")

foreach ($fi in $di.getfiles("*.wsp"))
$date = get-date
$date = $date.addminutes($minutes*-1)

if ($date -lt $fi.lastwritetime)

$sol = $null

$sol = get-spsolution $fi.name  -erroraction silentlycontinue

if ($sol)
"Retracting $fi"
uninstall-spsolution $fi.name -confirm:$false -allwebapplications -erroraction silentlycontinue
uninstall-spsolution $fi.name -confirm:$false -erroraction silentlycontinue

while($sol.jobexists -eq $true)
start-sleep 3
$sol = get-spsolution $fi.name

"Deleting $fi"

"Adding $fi"
add-spsolution $fi.fullname

$sol = get-spsolution $fi.name

"Installing $fi"
install-spsolution $fi.name -allwebapplications -gacdeployment -erroraction silentlycontinue -force
install-spsolution $fi.name -gacdeployment -erroraction silentlycontinue -force

while($sol.jobexists -eq $true)
start-sleep 3
$sol = get-spsolution $fi.name

"Deployed $fi"

Note that one thing that can be added to this script is an interrogation of the solution ID.  This is better than going off the name of the solution (which actually changes in production deployment using YYYY-MM-DD notation) and this script would not work for production.  Only in Development and QA was this handy.


See the next blog post in this series HERE