SP24 – The FREE 24-hour SP Conference!

This will be a fun event, make sure you watch some of the great presenters deliver some killer content (including myself)!

​SP24 – The Free 24-hour SharePoint ​Conference

is a SharePoint Conference with a difference and if you are interested
in SharePoint you are going love it, and here's why :
  1. It's entirely on-line – so you won't need to leave the office or home!  
  2. Free for all attendees.
  3. Takes place on 16th April 10pm GMT.  
  4. In the first 4 weeks of registration over 2400 attendees signed up.
  5. Lasts for 24 hours.  
  6. World famous speakers from all over the world. 
  7. Keynote from Bill Baer (Senior Product Manager, Microsoft). 
  8. Comprises of 2 tracks, (business and technical).  
  9. 48 Live sessions + on-demand sessions. 


There will be 48 FREE hour long online sessions for 24 hours and the keynote speech is by Bill Baer,
who is the Microsoft Senior Product Manager for SharePoint. I will find
out where the industry is heading, the direction of SharePoint and
associated products, the best practices and news about upcoming
integration across technologies for no cost whatsoever. I will learn
about the comprehensive scope of features, functionalities and solutions
that SharePoint can offer, and I will bring this information back.


There are over 50 speakers and over 2500
(and rising) delegates, Microsoft engineers, Microsoft Certified
Masters and MVPs will be speaking and viewing the sessions from around
the world. On top of having exclusive access to the experts, I will
have the opportunity to chat online with speakers and other conference
attendees, and get our questions answered while learning how SharePoint
can provide solutions for us.


I am already signed up to attend SP24 and I strongly suggest you book your place early by visiting : https://www.sp24conf.com​


The Keynote starts on 16th April 2014 10pm GMT and will last for 24 hours.