SharePoint 2013 – This product requires Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5

So in addition to the .NET Framework 4.6, it turns out that 4.7 will also cause the same issue.  You can utilize this script to remove them both to proceed with installation:

function UninstallKB($kbNumber)
$setup = Start-Process -FilePath "wusa" -ArgumentList "/uninstall /kb:$kbNumber /quiet" -Wait -PassThru

if ($setup.ExitCode -eq 0) {
function CheckForKB($kbNumber)
$list = wmic qfe list
foreach($line in $list)
if ($line.contains($kbNumber))
UninstallKB $kbNumber;
#output .net frameworks…
ls -r ‘HKLM:\software\microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v*’ | foreach { $_.getValue(‘Version’) } | sort -unique
CheckForKB “3102467”; 4.6
CheckForKB “3186539”; 4.7