Random MVP Stats

Last year (2014), 24 never before SharePoint MVPs were honored:

firstname lastname blog twitter country
Alistair Pugin (Alistair Pugin) http://www.ecmninja.co.za alistairpugin South Africa
Brandon Atkinson http://brandonatkinson.blogspot.com/   United States
Chris McNulty   cmcnulty2000 United States
Christopher Clement http://christopherclementen.wordpress.com/ ClemChristopher Belgium
Colin Phillips http://mmman.itgroove.net itgroove_colin Canada
David Sánchez Aguilar http://davidsanchezaguilar.wordpress.com davidsancheza Costa Rica
Eric Riz   rizinsights Canada
Heber Lopes http://www.heberlopes.com.br heberolopes Brazil
Jason Warren http://www.habaneroconsulting.com/insightsby?Author=jason-warren jaspnwarren Canada
Keith Tuomi http://yalla.itgroove.net   Canada
Margriet Bruggeman http://www.sharepointdragons.com margrietvuur Netherlands
Marius Constantinescu http://nettitude.wordpress.com c_marius Switzerland
Melick Rajee Baranasooriya http://melick-rajee.blogspot.com/ MelickRajee Sri Lanka
Nicki Borell http://www.sharepointtalk.net/ NickiBorell Germany
Roger Haueter http://www.techtask.com techtask Switzerland
Chris Givens https://blogs.architectingconnectedsystems.com givenscj United States
Gokan Ozcifci http://gokanx.wordpress.com GokanOzcifci Belgium
Hemendra Agrawal (Hemendra Agrawal)     India
Hirofumi Ota   hrfmjp Japan
Miguel Tabera (Miguel Tabera) http://www.sinsharepointnohayparaiso.com migueltabera Spain
Romeo Donca (Romeo Donca) http://www.romeodonca.ro/ romeodonca Romania
Thomas Vochten http://thomasvochten.com ThomasVochten Belgium
Vlad Catrinescu http://www.absolute-sharepoint.com   Canada
Wesley Hackett http://weshackett.com weshackett United Kingdom

By Country Breakdown:

5    Canada
3    Belgium
3    United States
2    Switzerland
1    United Kingdom
1    Brazil
1    Costa Rica
1    Germany
1    India
1    Japan
1    Netherlands
1    Romania


Project Server 2013 Development – Course 55077

Wow, 7 months later and this one is finally done!  So much changed between 2010 and 2013 in terms of development and all the documentation for older features just doesn't work anymore when thrown into SharePoint 2013…except in this course and labs!  I managed to get all the examples and other features working in 2013 using some of my in-depth knowledge of the various changes.  This course is one of the best I have ever done and is surely to be a hit!  Attached is the outline:

Course Outline

  • Project Server Introduction
    • Create a Project Web App Site
  • Project Service Interface (PSI)
    • Exploring PSI
    • Creating a PSI Proxy
    • Creating simple applications with PSI
    • Programming with PSI
    • Working with Projects
    • Working with the Queue System
    • Working with Resources
    • Working with Tasks
    • Implementing Impersonation with PSI
    • Run a Windows PowerShell Script to create a project
    • Create a PSI Extension
  • Client Side Object Model
    • Learn to work with Client Object Model (CSOM)
    • Creating Projects
    • Creating Tasks
    • Creating Resources
    • Creating Custom Fields
    • Creating Lookup Tables
    • Learn to work with JavaScript Object Model (JSOM)
    • Creating Projects
    • Creating Tasks
    • Creating Resources
    • Creating Custom Fields
    • Creating Lookup Tables
    • Working with REST
    • Using LINQ with OData
    • Working with OData Limits
    • Working with OData Filters
    • Creating Projects
    • Creating Resources
    • Creating Tasks
    • Creating Custom Fields
    • REST Authentication (Windows, Forms, O365)
  • Programming Project Server
    • Create a SharePoint Solution package
    • Create and deploy custom actions
    • Extend the JS Grid control events
    • Create an Project entity Event handler
    • Create an CustomField entity Event handler
    • Deploy and test event handlers
    • Debug event handlers
    • Create a remote event receiver
    • Deploy a remote event receiver
    • Create a PSI Extension
    • Create a Project Web Part that uses JS Grid
    • Deploy a Web Part Project
    • Configure a Web Part
  • Developing Reports
    • Setup Report Authors and Report Viewers
    • Configure SQL Server Login
    • Install Analysis Services
    • Install SQL Server AMO
    • Configure Excel Services
    • Configure Secure Store
    • Configure PerformancePoint
    • Working with Business Intelligence Center
    • Exploring Project Server Database Tables
    • Working with Sample Excel Reports
    • Uploading Excel Report in the Project Site
    • Creating Dashboard Reports
    • Creating Excel Services Reports
    • Creating PerformancePoint Reports
    • Creating Reporting Services Reports
    • Creating Analysis Services Reports
    • Create Strategy Drivers
    • Create Driver Prioritization
    • Perform Portfolio Analyses
  • Developing Apps
    • Exploring Project Server Apps
    • Creating and Configuring a Project Server App
    • Exploring SP.AppContextSite
    • Deploying a Project Server App
    • Publishing a Project Server App
    • Exploring SharePoint App Marketplace
    • Create a Project App
    • Create a Simple Task Pane App
    • Create an Advanced Task Pane App
    • Create a Project Office App
    • Create and deploy a Provider hosted App
    • Working with High Trust and Low Trust
    • Exploring Context Tokens
    • Exploring Access Tokens
    • Exploring Refresh Tokens
    • Using the SharePoint Web Proxy
    • Creating an App Package
    • Deploying an App Package
    • Creating a Seller Dashboard account
    • Create and Publish AppStore SharePoint App
  • Developing Workflows
    • Create Project Detail Pages
    • Create Workflow Stages
    • Create and Assign Workflows
    • Restart Workflows
    • Create a Project Server Workflow using Visual Studio
  • TFS and Project Server Integration
    • Install Team Foundation Server Extensions
    • Configure Team Foundation Server integration
    • Explore TFS and Project Server integration

SharePoint 2013 Business Intelligence – Course 55063

The SharePoint 2013 Business Intelligence course has been published to Microsoft Learning partners!  It is the refresh of the wildly popular SharePoint 2010 Business Intelligence course.  Some of the highlights include:

  • Complete coverage of Power* tools (PowerView, PowerMap, PowerQuery, PowerPivot)
  • Labs on StreamInsight and HDInsight
  • Labs on Hadoop
  • Labs on Master Data Services (MDS) 

Here's the course outline:

  • Business Intelligence
    • Answer Business Intelligence Questions
  • Business Intelligence Center
    • Create the Business Intelligence Center
    • Explore SharePoint Business Intelligence Center
    • Explore Dashboard Designer
  • Data Mart & Data Warehouses and Master Data Services
    • Explore Data Formats
    • Create a Simple Data Warehouse
    • Explore the Extract stage
    • Explore Transform & Load stages
    • Realize the importance of primary/unique keys
    • Create Data Warehouse Granularity Levels
    • Create a Data Mart
    • Configure Master Data Services
    • Create Data sources in Master Data Services
    • Configure Master Data Services add-in
    • Connect to MDS data
    • Publish data changes
  • Business Connectivity Services and Secure Store
    • Explore External Content Types
    • Create a new External Content Type
    • Create an External List
    • Creating an Large External List using ECTs
    • Using Filters and External lists
    • Creating and Configuring Entity Profile Pages
    • Enable Revert To Self
    • Explore Office and BCS Integration
    • Explore BCS models using OData as source
    • Create external list from OData
  • Analysis Services, HDInsight and StreamInsight
    • Create Dimension and Fact tables with SSIS
    • Create a Analysis Services Database
    • Create a Cube
    • Create Dimensions
    • Create Fact Tables
    • Create a KPI
    • Install Hadoop for Windows
    • Configure Hadoop for Windows
    • Export Hadoop data
    • Render reports based on Hadoop data
    • Use and configure HDInsight
    • Install the Hadoop .NET SDK
    • Install HDFS ODBC driver
    • Build Reports using Excel and Power Query
    • Install StreamInsight
    • Setup demo application
    • Write StreamInsight queries
  • Filter Web Parts
    • Use each of the Filter Web Parts
    • Integrate User Profiles with Filters and Reports
  • Excel, Excel Services and Excel Web App
    • Create An Excel Report
    • Learn to use Excel Services
    • Create/Publish to Excel Services
    • Configure Excel Services
    • Shared Data Connections
    • Excel Interactive View
    • Explore Excel MDX features
    • Create a Slicer
    • Create an MDX Set
    • Use Excel Sparklines
    • Explore Filter Web Parts and Excel Services
    • Explore REST features of Excel Services
    • Explore the Excel Services Web Service
  • PowerPivot, Tabular Data Sources
    • Explore PowerPivot Functions
    • Use Basic PowerPivot
    • Use PowerPivot with Large DataSets
    • Create PowerPivot Linked Tables
    • Create Slicers
    • Install PowerPivot for SharePoint Addin
    • Install PowerPivot on Database Server
    • Configure PowerPivot for SharePoint
    • Publish to SharePoint
    • Automating Data Refresh
    • Analyzing Usage Data
    • Create a Tabular Model Project
    • Adding Data
    • Creating Relationships
    • Creating Calculated Columns and Measures
    • Creating Key Performance Indicators
    • Deploying Tabular models
    • Analyzing data in Excel
    • Import PowerPivot to SSAS
  • Reporting Services
    • Configure Reporting Services
    • Create a Reporting Services Report
    • Configure Reporting Services Web Part
    • Create Advanced Reporting Services report
    • Filter Web Parts and Reports
    • Create Report Part Gallery
    • Create a Report Library
    • Create Report Parts
    • Create a Report using Report Parts
    • Automated Report Delivery
    • Setup Reporting Services RSS Feed
    • Create and Use Data Feed Library
    • Utilize Reporting Services data in PowerPivot
    • Utilize PowerPivot data in Reporting Services
  • Power View, Power Query and Power BI
    • Create PowerView view
    • Utilize images in PowerView views
    • Create Chart Visualizations
    • Create Map Visualizations
    • Work with slicers
    • Work with multiples
    • Work with sorting
    • Work with Visualization Filters
    • Deploy to SharePoint
    • Export to PowerPoint
    • Install Power Query
    • Explore Power Query reports
    • Create Power Query reports
    • Install PowerBI Windows App
    • Configure PowerBI
    • Working with Power BI in O365
  • Performance Point
    • Explore Performance Service Application
    • Explore the Dashboard Designer
    • Create A Scorecard
    • Create A PP KPI
    • Explore Time Intelligence
    • Create Performance Point Reports
    • Create Filters
    • Create A Dashboard
  • Visio & Access Services
    • Use Visio Services
    • Publish a Visio to SharePoint
    • Utilize data driven Visio diagrams
    • Utilize Visio for site architecture diagram
    • Access and SharePoint integration
    • Removed features
    • Publish Access Database To SharePoint
    • Explore Access Services 2013
  • GeoSpatial Data, GeoLocation and Power Map
    • Populate a SQL Server Database using Shape2SQL
    • Utilize the new Spatial Data Types in SQL Server
    • Create a Reporting Services Report using Geospatial Data
    • Publish Geospatial Data to SharePoint
    • Utilize Bing Maps API
    • Create and use GeoLocation columns
    • Create a Map View
    • Explore SharePoint Store Map Apps
    • Install Power Map
    • Explore Power Map reports
    • Create Power Map reports
    • Create Power Map Tour and Scenes
    • Create Power Query Report
    • Create Power Map from Power Query data
    • Import Chart web part file
    • Utilize .NET Charts in 2013

SPC14 Session Review

As I have done with previous SharePoint conference's, I have reviewed all the "available" PPTs for all the sessions and rated them for your time saving pleasure!  I can truely and honestly say…this years sessions and speakers were many many times better than the last conference!  My hats off to the PMG for doing such an amazing job with the content and selection! 

Here are some of my observations:

  • Not all of the session PPTs are available on Channel 9 (so even if you use Vlad's script here, you wont' get everything in terms of the PPTs, however, the videos seem to be there).  You may need to go to Yammer to get the missing ones. Most of the PMG is on vacation this week, so missing PPTs may not start to show up until next week.  Here's the sessions that don't seem to have a PPT anywhere:
    • SPC104 (amazingly Yammer Adam's session), SPC237, SPC289
  • The session content and speakers were *several* levels past last conference sessions.  I'll say it again, the sessions were simply amazing!  For last conference's reviews to make my point, check out my review post here
  • Although there was overlap, it wasn't quite as pronounced as last time.  This is due to Sonya, Bill and Mark, et all, doing a good job of filtering out "said" overlap.  That being stated, it is impossible for them to properly do their jobs when speakers don't submit their sessions in time and/or don't coordinate with others that have similar topics (a must at any conference and something I strived to do with anyone that had similar topics at Project Server and SPC).  Some examples of this wasteful overlap was the ever prevailing (three app types slides, REST/Odata was covered several times, some of the hybrid sessions could have been collapsed, in addition, there were four sessions on site creation, two would have been adequate, several sessions on how to make socialyammer successful that overlapped in content and theory).  For the social sessions, it would have been much more appropriate if customer success stories were focused on rather than having everyone and their dog that was not a customer present on "how to make social successful" it just made things more confused in the end.
  • I only gave one 2 out of 5, and to be fair, not because of the speakers (one is in my top sessions below) or the content directly, but because the content overlapped 100% with other sessions (slides and all), that is ridiculous to me and more value could have been derived by adding another customer success story (yammer or O365 focused)
  • The speaker that I didn't know and am going to follow closely now is Edin Kapic from Barcelona.  I *really* liked his session.  Fresh topics from a fresh perspective was…refreshing [:D]
  • Additionally, Richard Harbridge delivered, as always, his consistent, well thought out message…perfectly and deserves a shout out for that (and next time you see him congratulate him on his engagement!)…oh and how he always manages to get through 100+ slides is totally beyond me!

Here's the results:

CJG's Top Sessions:

  • SPC393-Edin Kapic – 7 Tenets of Highly Scalable SharePoint 2013 Apps – CJG Rank 5 of 5 (possible 6)
  • SPC379-Matthias Leibmann – Integrating Mail and Calendar experiences within Office 365 – CJG Rank 5 of 5 (possible 6)
  • SPC368-Brian Lyttle – Overview of configuring Yammer SSO & Directory Sync – CJG Rank 5 of 5 (possible 6)
  • SPC280-Chris Slemp – Microsoft- Our Enterprise Social Journey – CJG Rank 5 of 5 (possible 6)
  • SPC270-Richard Harbridge (aka ShareBeiber) – When should we use SharePoint out-of-the-box, add third-party apps or build custom solutions – CJG Rank 5 of 5 (possible 6)
  • SPC266-Virpi Oinonen – Driving enterprise social from the bottom up – CJG Rank 5 of 5 (possible 6)
  • SPC108-Dan Holme, The Cloud Navigating the benefits and challenges of this disruptive innovation – CJG Rank 5 of 5 (possible 6)

Session reviews:

  • SPC425-Best practices for maintaining and updating a SharePoint App – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Wow, if you have written an App, but have not yet had to update it…well, be ready to think about all the edge cases!  Must watch session!
  • SPC424-Stress testing and optimizing SharePoint 2013 shredded storage with traditional and RBS storage – CJG Rank x of 5
    • Lots of great data from the work that Chris has done over the years.  It's unfortunate that most of his really juicy slides had to be pulled for political reasons (basically parts of Dell are run under a shady tree).  I'll never buy Dell softwareservices or hardware ever again (not that I ever did mind you).
  • SPC423-Deep dive_ REST and CSOM comparison – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • I like the approach David took to this session, the knockout round scorecard was really creative, however, the metrics in some of the slides don't look right to me.  I'd have to see the way he tested and then suggest that some of the methods he took skewed the numbers a bit (specifically in the network traffic of REST).  The shout out for my SPREST tool (which I will start to finish after I'm done with this blog post was nice).
  • SPC422-Demystifying Kerberos in SP2013 and SQL 2012 for business intelligence – CJG Rank 3 of 5
    • I have seen better sessions on Kerberos, that is all.  Would have been nice to outline its impeding doom around OAuth, but that's ok, in due time.
  • SPC421-Federating applications with Office 365 using Windows Azure Active Directory – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Very nice coverage of WAAD!  Good job!
  • SPC419-Developing Cloud-Hosted Apps with MVC5 – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • Nice intro to MVC
  • SPC418-Subordinate integrity Certificates for SharePoint 2013 – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • To sum it up "Everything better be running SSL!"
  • SPC417-Thorsten Hans – Speed up your app development skills with API abstraction – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • ShareCoffee is new to me and the name is somewhat of a turnoff if you don't like coffee, but when you get what its trying to accomplish, it does have tremendous value to the JavaScript Programmer.
  • SPC416-Bill Baer, Chris Givens – SharePoint storage architecture, 2001-present inside and out – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Somewhat unfair to rate my own session, so you'll just have to check it out yourself.  This session announces the new "Fort Knox" architecture that is being considered for Shredded Storage in O365.  There is also a test your knowledge set of questions in the PPTs.  In addition you can look at the OneDrive for business to learn more about Fort Knox features.
  • SPC414-Brent Groom, Sreedhar Mallangi – Search content enrichment and extensibility in SharePoint 2013 – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Oh yeah!  Anything search related is my cup of "tea" (no coffee please).  The coverage of the features of the CEWS Pipeline Toolkit and the Search INdexing Toolkit is impressive!  I can't wait to get my hands on these!
  • SPC413-Scot Hillier – Complex problem solving with the new HTML5 APIs – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Dang!  Scot shows he is ahead of the curve when it comes to new tech in web application land.  So many cool tidbits of info in this prezo!
  • SPC411-Spencer Harbar – Office 365 identity federation using Windows Azure and Windows Azure Active Directory – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Spence hits alot of the really important parts from a business and 10% of the tech part.  This session is really important when looking into the future of the SharePoint and O365 auth landscape.  If you don't understand what's going on with these slides and his prezo, you better start catching up fast!
  • SPC410-Todd Klindt – The nuts and bolts of upgrading to SharePoint 2013 – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • Not sure why this was a 400 level session.  I'd put it more 200, maybe 300.  There are a lot of missing pieces to the upgrade story that could have been covered in the slides
  • SPC409-Ted Pattison – Deep dive- SharePoint and Office App Security Model (OAuth & S2S)  – CJG Rank 3 of 5
    • Ugg, so many misleading statements in these PowerPoints.  And several scenarios were left out (like low-trust and non-app auth).
  • SPC408-Jeremy Thake – SharePoint 2013 Apps with AngularJS – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • I have yet to use AngularJS in a project yet (but I have done MVVM patterns before).  Jeremy does a good job of presenting the "why" of Angular, backs it up with some stats, then reviews "what" it is, then shows how to use it in SharePoint.  Nicely done.
  • SPC407-John Kozell, Travis Falls – Deep dive into the SharePoint 2013 CSOM API's – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • The good stuff is on slides 23-25.  I would have liked to have seen more of this reviewed, but overall it did what it needed to do.  Not sure I'd call this a 400 level session.
  • SPC406-Spencer Harbar – Comprehensive User Profile Synchronization – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • As always full coverage of the UPS in 2013, Spence's "cup of tea", Earl grey I'd guess?
  • SPC405-Ben Lower, Chris Givens – Futuristic Search applications using Kinect and Yammer! – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • A full implementation of a BCS connector to index your Yammer data on-premises.  And then some cool videos of how Kinect can be used to build applications (including ones that interface with SHarePoint over the Search REST APIs).
  • SPC404-Scot Hillier – Build your own REST service with WebAPI 2 – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • I actually used this new feature of Visual Studio a week before Scot's prezo.  Turns out this stuff is very handy as the WCF Data Service implementation is so unfriendly, but WebAPI is much better!  Being that I didn't see much tie back to SharePoint, I had to give it a 4.
  • SPC403-Vesa Juvonen, Bert Jansen – Site provisioning techniques with SharePoint apps – CJG Rank 3 of 5
    • Not sure really how much of this was "SharePoint Apps" versus simply looking at provision using REST/CSOM.  Slides are difficult to follow and I think "Artifacts" is a better spelling.  But the session does bring up an important topics of site provisioning which was one of my major contributions back in 2011 with the eBay prezo, which then subsequently was rolled into MSIT deployments.
  • SPC402-Paul Summers, Daniel Benson – Develop Advanced Search-Driven SharePoint 2013 Apps – CJG Rank 3 of 5
    • This was more of a 200/300 level session.  Some of the slides are misleading.  Annoys me to see that people want to define App Types as some kind of physical thing when they are simply types for Visual Studio usage.  You will always have an app package and app principle no matter what the app "type" is.
  • SPC401-Paolo Pialorsi – Authentication and authorization infrastructure in Microsoft SharePoint 2013 – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • Should have dropped Ted's prezo and simply given the non-overlap content to Paolo.  Between the two there is 90% overlap.
  • SPC400-Scot Hillier – 3rd party JavaScript libraries you need to know – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • I suppose if you missed Andrew and Jeremy's prezo's and needed to catch up, Scot's would have done that for you.  But it was a summary overview of three separate sessions that you could have gone too.  None the less, still a great overview of some valuable 3rd party libraries you should use.
  • SPC399-Building a Modern Portal in 75 Minutes! – CJG Rank ? of 5
    • One slide, watch the video
  • SPC398-Faizan Khan, Robert Gullick – WCM in SharePoint 2013 for IT Pros from 0 to Infinity – CJG Rank 3 of 5
    • There is nothing in these slides, you'd have to watch the video to see if they present anything enlighting.
  • SPC397-Matt Masson, Majdi Badarin – Deep Dive on the Data Management Gateway in Power BI for connectivity to on premise and hybrid scenarios – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • I have already set this up on ACS servers and have labs for it in the new SP2013 BI course, but to many this is really new stuff.  And it is probably one of the hottest things to come along in a very long time.  The slides and I'm sure the prezo would have helped answer a lot of questions for people that are thinking about exploring Power BI.
  • SPC396-Quentin Christensen – End-to-end Microsoft eDiscovery in Office and Office 365 – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • This is V1 of this feature and as such it has many limitations (just ask anyone that has tried to do eDiscovery across 1000 my sites).  This prezo is a simple overview of the eDiscovery features, but doesn't discuss a lot of the limitations or future road map.
  • SPC394-Steve Lasker – Developing Office 365 Cloud Business Apps – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • This session tries to cover both Office Apps and SharePoint Apps, but doesn't really make a clear delineation in the slides of the transition.  Until you have actually built one of each of these (such as for project client), nothing I have seen has done a good job of breaking the two apart or describing the deployment differences (why does microsoft have so many app stores again)?  None the less, their are some good content slides here.
  • SPC393-Edin Kapic – 7 Tenets of Highly Scalable SharePoint 2013 Apps – CJG Rank 5 of 5 (possible a 6?)
    • WOW!!!  This is my favorite session and one of the ones I had wished I had time to go watch.  The slides are sooo funny, yet the content is amazing!  Best session of the conference!
  • SPC392-Measuring Business Value with Yammer – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • There are some real jewels around metrics and measurements in here, definitely check it out!
  • SPC391-Andrew Salamatov – Deep dive into Mail Compose Apps APIs – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • O365 will continue to open up more REST endpoints for Apps to call across a
      ll the services.  This is just a preview of what is coming!
  • SPC390-Todd Baginski, Michael Sherman – Creating Internet facing web sites with SharePoint on-premises or in the cloud – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • The slides are ok, some good tidbits, you'd really have to watch the video on this one for the demos.
  • SPC388-Waldek Mastykarz – SharePoint 2013 Powering Web Sites and Mobile Apps – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • Waldek is always working on cool projects.  He presented how they built a solution for Isala using SP2013.
  • SPC387-Barry Waldbaum, Frank Marasco – Azure IaaS and SharePoint 2013 WCM – better together! – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Very interesting perspectives on utilizing the "unlimited" scalability of Azure for your SharePoint architecture.  This is not O365 related, but hosting your VMs in Azure.
  • SPC386-Steve Novoselac – Trek Bikes- pedaling past complex collaboration problems in the enterprise – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Pretty sweet set of slides showing the progression of a customer from 2007 to 2013 with yammer and O365.  A must read and must watch!
  • SPC385-Kirk Evans – Building SharePoint Apps with Windows Azure Platform as a Service – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • As always, very concise and well thought out presentation by Kirk!  Flows perfectly!
  • SPC384-Liam Cleary – Multi-factor authentication for SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint Online – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Sweet….both a cloud and on-premises demo of setting up multi-factor auth in SP2013.  Very nice!
  • SPC383-Mastering Office Web Apps 2013 deployment and operations – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • A very good session, but some items were missed (since the title had "mastering" in it) such as "Generating links to other documents" and the wildcard certificates issue that could have been discussed as wellAdditionally to specify the reason not to change the service account even if you wanted to show document previews in search.  Also, some coverage of SCOM management pack for OWA would have been a nice touch.
  • SPC382-Mikael Svenson, David Louis Hollembaek – Managing Search Relevance in SharePoint 2013 and O365 – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Everything they needed and wanted to cover was convered in terms of managing query intent, excellent!
  • SPC381-Todd Klindt – Load testing SharePoint 2013 using Visual Studio 2013 – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • Overall an ok session, I would have expected more around talking about the types of transaction mixes you should create and how you might go about creating those mixes.  From my standpoint, this was just a basic intro to Visual Studio Ultimate load testing features.
  • SPC380-Steve Peschka, Cam Askew – Integrating Yammer and SharePoint using .NET – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • A lot of people have done this already and I don't think you'll learn much past what you already know.  The scenarios were nice, but I don't think the Yammer APIs will be around much longer as they are.  And its no secret that the Yammer API documentation is horrible and seriously lacking.
  • SPC379-Matthias Leibmann – Integrating Mail and Calendar experiences within Office 365 – CJG Rank 5 of 5 (possibly 6)
    • Wow, this has soo much juicy info in it!  Again, some overlap with Ted's so we could have just dropped his.  But the intro to the new Office REST APIs and the auth screens was completely new to me, can't wait to try this out!!!
  • SPC378-Thomas Molbach, Runar Olsen – Make your SharePoint portal social in 1-2-3! – CJG Rank 3 of 5
    • Really didn't get anything from this session.  Make your own judgement.  Probably should have been a 200 level session.
  • SPC377-Shannon Bray – Implementing federated (cross-farm) services in SharePoint 2013 – CJG Rank 3 of 5
    • The slides really don't do Shannon's knowledge of the topics justice.  He did the cross-farm services chapter in the Architecture book and it is amazing.  His demo also died a horrible death, so overall this didn't go so well.  But he's a survivor!
  • SPC376-Jan Kalis – Implement, customize and extend Microsoft Project Portfolio Management solution, built on top of SharePoint – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Jan has to be one of the nicest, coolest people on the planet!  He used to be a Product Manager on the Project PMG group and helped run a very successful Project Server conference in Anahiem in Feb.  His knowledge of Project Server is second to only a few 😉  Being that he just did the PS conference, he has many links to the sessions that supported his slides.  Definitely check this session out if you are considering Project Server!
  • SPC375-Jon Waite, Brian Pendergrass – How to manage and troubleshoot Search- A practical guide – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • This has some juicy search content in it!  They went quite a bit further than the typical search architecture drawings and used some rarely used terms ("MARS").  They didn't spout out "Ceres" or "Flows", but thats getting really deep!  Good session!
  • SPC374-Nathan Miller, Israel Vega Jr – Authentication patterns for SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 – CJG Rank 3 of 5
    • The first part is a little disappointing (again slides that are misleading), the last part on the Windows 2012 R2 and ADFS was good stuff.  I just cringe whenever I see someone try to explain the App Auth flows.  Alot of overlap with other sessions.
  • SPC373-Josh Gavant – Build SharePoint Solutions for Mobile Devices – CJG Rank ? of 5
    • I don't have enough experience with the content to say if it was any good or not.  But the concept was pretty solid and easily understood.
  • SPC371-Chris Johnson – Developing socially connected apps with Yammer, SharePoint and OpenGraph – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • If your not familiar with how to program Yammer Apps and need a good intro, this is a good session for you.  There was only one slide on OpenGraph, but that's ok, because Facebook has made it famous anyway!
  • SPC370-John White – Operational reporting and dashboarding using Microsoft Business Intelligence Solutions – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • John knows his stuff and his slides have everything except a mention of PowerMap 😉  But he always gives good BI!
  • SPC369-Matt Masson – Power BI for the IT Pros – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • You have to watch the session as his only has 14 slides.  It looks to be complete coverage of the Power* tools
  • SPC368-Brian Lyttle – Overview of configuring Yammer SSO & Directory Sync – CJG Rank 5 of 5 (possible 6)
    • Excellent set of slides and presentation!  This clearly walks you through Yammer SSO!
  • SPC367-Shane Young – Using Windows PowerShell with SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint Online – CJG Rank 3 of 5
    • Hmm, not sure this was a 300 level session?  Seemed really basic to me.  I would have liked to have seen some things you "can't" do with SPO with some workarounds developed by the community.
  • SPC366-Sam Hassani – Understanding and maintaining SharePoint Apps for IT Professionals – CJG Rank 3 of 5
    • Basic coverage o
      f Apps from an IT Pro standpoint (how to setup).  I would have liked to have seen some more items around governance such as how to prevent apps to be installed, how to allocate apps to specific webs, etc.
  • SPC365-Sean Squires, Carrie Doring – Governing & configuring divisional sites in an enterprise environment – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • I know this session has been done before.  None the less, hope you have the devs to build this for you, or you buy a tool from a 3rd party like AvePoint.  This topic stemmed from the eBay demo back in 2010 days.
  • SPC364-Zach Rosenfield – Give users all the storage they want without going broke – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • OMG…someone that knows what they are talking about!  Woohoo!  Awesome set of slides on OneDrive architecture!
  • SPC363-Zerelina Mukherjee – Get up and running fast with OneDrive for Business- planning guidance and best practices – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Excellent review of the changes in OneDrive and the updates with integration in SP1 for on-prem
  • SPC362-Shannon Bray – Gathering requirements- asking the right questions before building out a SharePoint 2013 environment – CJG Rank 3 of 5
    • I love Shannon like a brother, but the slides leave you asking more questions than having answers?  You'll need to match the slides with the video for the answers to the questions in the slides. Would have been good to have prescriptive guidance to all the Q's asked.
  • SPC361-Todd Baginski, Michael Sherman – Creating Cloud Hosted Line Of Business Applications with Apps for Office, O365, Azure, and WP8 – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • This session will pump you up for building Office Apps!
  • SPC360-Mert Sangar, Kristopher Loranger – Effective Search deployment and operations in SharePoint 2013 – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Excellent coverage of the search architecture and concepts!  Very proud!
  • SPC359-Meera Mahabala, Balaji Balasubramanian – E-commerce solutions with Dynamics for Retail & SharePoint 2013 – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • The slides just don't do this technology and integration justice.  Zlatan started this whole line of prezos and its unfortunately he wasn't able to deliver it.  He got me really pumped up about the cross-site publishing (which wasn't mentioned in these slides) of the e-commerce product catalog to SharePoint 2013.  If you haven't seen this in action, you are missing out!
  • SPC358-Bob German – Developing future-focused, on-premises solutions – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • What an easy going, simple, smooth take on the new App Model.  This was a pleasure to read and look at versus other methods of "Just Go APP".  Excellent!  PMG…take note 😉
  • SPC357-Eric Shupps – Developing an intranet on Office 365 – CJG Rank 3 of 5
    • This was a little, or a lot, un-Shupps like (he killed it last SPC…top speaker by far).  It was more of a intro to SP2013 WCM features than building an intranet.  Not sure the story behind this session.
  • SPC356-Spencer Harbar – Designing, deploying, and managing Workflow Manager farms – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • This was a much more indepth session that others have attempted (as to be expected with Spence and Wictor).  I would have liked to see things go a little deeper into EAI concepts though in the DR portion.  You can't simply restore a workflow farm and except the workflows to fire again on data that has changed.  Guidance needs to be provided to cancel workflows that may cause serious harm to the environment if you restore from an old backup.
  • SPC353-Gil Canare, Katie Bowman, Michael Mielke, Bruce Weatherford – AMD- 13 Million Users. 54 Million page views. www.AMD.com on SharePoint 2013. Done. – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • LOVE IT…outlines features used and un-used (and its the same ole answer we see everyday).  I had the change to meet Michael at the speaker party, awesome people!
  • SPC351-Rolando Jimenez – Office Power Hour – new developer APIs and features for Apps for Office – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Good review of all the upcoming API updates for Office Apps
  • SPC348-Sonya Koptyev, Greg Lindhorst – Update on InfoPath and SharePoint Forms – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • A nice resource for who you need to go to for your future form needs given that InfoPath development has ceased.
  • SPC347-Rob Howard – OneDrive for Business extensibility- building great apps and solutions – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • This session's name was waayyy off.  It should have been…"Here's all the cool new shit coming for v1.5 of SP Apps".  There were some things in here that I didn't know about!  Exciting!
  • SPC346-Nishan Desilva, Alex O'Donnell, Roberto Yglesias – SharePoint for large scale records management – hundreds of millions of documents and beyond! – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Dang…can you say "EXTREMELY LARGE FARM"…you can after you review this session!  Amazing stuff!
  • SPC345-Rita Zhang, Eric Overfield – SharePoint for any screen size- an in-depth look into building responsive web design – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Eric has been doing this for a while (well…at least as long as RWD has been around anyway), he has some great tips in his session
  • SPC344-Liam Cleary – SharePoint data security and compliance – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • I can watch Liam's session over and over and over again…his content never gets old…why?  Because he is always changing it and providing fresh examples.  He always nails this session and scared the heck out of you when he does…do you know who has access to your sharepoint data?  I will say the opening part is covered in about 5 other sessions, so he could have skipped to the juicy part right away!
  • SPC343-Wayne Ewington, Neil Hodgkinson – SharePoint Business Continuity Management with SQL Server Always On – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Neil is going to solve the speed of light problem, I just know it….in the meantime, he keeps working on really cool stuff and dumping out great content to the community!
  • SPC342-SharePoint 2013 Work Management Service deep dive – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Very nice look at Work Management!  I'll add one thing about the My Site Tasks page, it only updates every 15 mins
  • SPC340-Thorsten Hans, Nicki Borell – SharePoint 2013 Search Analytics – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • THorsten and Nicki explored some not so well known endpoints to show how to get search analytics data out of the database, and even presented ways to use SSIS to get data out that you may want to do more advanced reports on.  Great job guys!
  • SPC339-Sam Hassani – SharePoint 2013 hybrid end-to-end – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • A nice set of step by step slides on the Hybrid setup.  Sam makes it look simple, but it is anything but!
  • SPC338-Kevin Bell, Bob Piper – The 'how to' guide for selling and managing SharePoint Apps built using Access – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • Access Apps are now possible for deployment into the SharePoint Store.  This session outlines some of the things you should consider if you are going to build an access app (which would be prefered over storing your data in a SP List on the App web).  I haven't spent enough time with this to figure
      out all the ways I can hack this type of App, I'm sure their are some things I can do that were not intended…
  • SPC337-Helge Grenager Solheim, Alex Pope – Search-driven publishing for Intranet Portals in SharePoint Online – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Excellent guidance on the Search architecture in O365 and how to use search driven publishing and the content search web parts
  • SPC336-Thomas Molbach, Barry Waldbaum – Search architecture and sizing in SharePoint 2013 – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Check out slide 30…"HD XL Topology"….enough said…
  • SPC335-Gary Devendorf, Arjun Raja – Rich extensions to SharePoint Apps using Microsoft Access – CJG Rank 3 of 5
    • This session was over lapping >95% with other sessions.  It could have been dropped.
  • SPC334-Real-world SharePoint architecture decisions – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • This was a very well thought out and flowing prezo!  Very easy to understand and follow.  Hats off to Wictor!
  • SPC333-Chris Johnson – Mobilize your workforce- publish SharePoint to your users beyond the firewall with Windows Server 2012 R2 Web App Proxy – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • I have been sooo waiting for a UAG replacement.  I'm probably going to get this setup this weekend on my own network!
  • SPC332-Brian Lyttle – Overview of Yammer app development – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • Again, alot of overlap with other session, however, there is one golden nugget in here…check out slide 28 (Yammer .NET API coming soon).  Great…let's see how close they get to the one I already built 😉
  • SPC331-Brian Alderman – Optimizing SQL Server 2012 for SharePoint 2013 – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • I'm not sure this was a 300 level session (maybe 200), it was more of an overview of things you should do.  Not alot of prescriptive guidance on things like the databases that can be simple vs full, what that might cause later on with DR, etc.  In addition to the basics, I think a few more advanced items would have been good to add.
  • SPC330-Fabian Williams – Optimizing external data consumption through Business Connectivity Services (BCS) and OData Services – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • A good review of OData and how to consume it using BCS.  I'm not sure the "optimizing" part was used anywhere though, but maybe in the video it was.
  • SPC329-Kimmo Forss, Phil Cohen – Migrate your data and documents efficiently to SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • I get the jist of this, but "stsadm"?  Really?  And going to a site collection level is the first step, you may want to take it one or more levels further.
  • SPC328-Matt Masson – Deep dive on self-service data retrieval With Power Query – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • PowerQuery is just plain AWESOME, no one can mess that up!  If you haven't played with it yet…DO IT!
  • SPC327-Data modeling and governance with business intelligence – CJG Rank ? of 5
    • Yei…one slide…bloody brilliant!  Watch the video…
  • SPC326-Lionel Robinson, Jonathan Keslin – Customizing your SharePoint sites using the SharePoint Theming Engine – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Woah….I didn't even realize you could do this!  Color me stoked!
  • SPC325-Vesa Juvonen, Steve Walker – Real-world examples of FTC to CAM transformations – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • A real world experience of moving from Full Trust code to the App Model.  Tough decisions were made…
  • SPC324-Ari Schorr, Michael Wilmot – Geospatial business intelligence with Power Map, Power View, and SQL Server reporting services – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • Again…you really can't mess this up…the tech is cool no matter who presents it!
  • SPC323-Ted Pattison – SharePoint App best practices using OData and the SharePoint REST API – CJG Rank 3 of 5
    • I guess the "best practices" part is in another session?  This is simply an overview of the REST api and some OData parts.
  • SPC322-Matthew McDermott – SharePoint 2013 Search display templates and query rules – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • Nice overview of display templates and query rules in SP2013.
  • SPC321-Johannes Lemmerer, Timo Heidschuster, Rainer Asbach – Customizing Search experiences with Azure Hosted Data and Bing Maps – CJG Rank 3 of 5
    • Hmm, I covered this entire session in my session's demo.  You can add user profile properties or other managed properties that then can be used to make Bing map API calls.  This was covered in the last SPC so not sure of the value especially with ESRI having some of the most advance mapping tools and integration with SharePoint I have ever seen.
  • SPC320-Neil Hodgkinson, Manas Biswas – Configuring Hybrid Search with SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint Online – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • Having set this up a couple of times now, it amazes me at how long and complex a process this is for the average person.  This needs to get more simple (and should be) in the future.  The content and Neil was awesome, the demo…not so much 🙁
  • SPC319-Fabian Williams – Configuring Hybrid Business Connectivity Services with SharePoint 2013 – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Fabian spent a TON of time on this.  And the lovely people at Rackspace hooked him up with some servers to do everything with.  This was Fabian's best session!
  • SPC318-Wes Preston – Client-Side Rendering (CSR) demystified – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Dang…talk about FULL coverage of CSR!  Perfectly done!
  • SPC317-Alex Randall – Extend business processes with Workflow Manager – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • Alex has a pretty slick demo of approving a twitter feed post using Workflow…check it out!
  • SPC313-Fabian Williams, Chris Givens – Apps, BCS, OData, Search and O365…Oh My – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • There were a few things Fabian and I could have done better, but from a content standpoint, if you are curious about external list events, this is a session for you!
  • SPC312-Luca Bandinelli, Sanjay Narang – Deploying highly available SharePoint Internet Sites on Windows Azure Virtual Machines – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Geez…its almost a step by step of how to setup SP2013 in Azure, then configure DR using Traffic Manager.  I don't even want to think of what the Azure bill will look like between the two farm data centers.
  • SPC311-Nationwide Building a World-Renowned Intranet with SharePoint 2013 and Yammer – CJG Rank 5 of 5
  • SPC309-Shoshanna Budzianowski, Yuval Anafi – The Power of Two- Bringing Microsoft and SAP Closer Together – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • I'm sure every SAP vendor in the ExpoHall went to this session.  Next conference we will have tons of SAP based SP and Office Apps…yeah…
  • SPC306-Brent Groom, Norm Lambert – Best practices for Hybrid Search deployments – CJG Rank 3 of 5
    • The first slide of a hybrid car is really funny and creative…but that's where it ended…the non-overlapping slides from this session should have been put in Neil's session, then we co
      uld have added some other new and cool content session.
  • SPC305-Mirjam Van Olst – SharePoint Web Templates for on-premises and the Cloud – CJG Rank x of 5
    • At first I wasn't sure why the basic intro to web templates, then we got in to the App provision aspect and it clicked.  I can see Mirijam got Part II of provisioning and Vesa and Bert got Part II.  Might have been good to delineate that in the session names.
  • SPC304-Dan Holme – Automating SharePoint operations and governance- site provisioning and group management – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • The 4th of 4 sessions on site creationgovernance.  Dan takes it from a higher level of why you want to have site creation governance.  We might have to leave out his powershell and just say ref Mirijam, Vesa and Bert's sessions 🙂
  • SPC303-Ryan Campbell – Advanced Performance Analysis for SharePoint – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Wow…one of the more complete and succinct takes on performance analysis I have seen in a while!  Wonderful!
  • SPC302-Richard diZerega, Nathan Miller – Advanced development patterns for SharePoint Apps – CJG Rank 3 of 5
    • Not what I was expecting.  I didn't feel like I learned any dev patterns other than to "use the chrome control" for navigation.
  • SPC301-Radi Atanassov – Access is back! High-value, 'no code', functional & flexible business apps with the new Access services – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • Quite possibly one of the best Access Services session I have seen.
  • SPC300-Eric Riz – A strategic and pragmatic conversation on governance – CJG Rank 3 of 5
    • I don't even know what to say about this one…slides are full of so much businessy text…I'm so confused…
  • SPC299-Tony Wegewijs – Heineken- driving KM performance via a global knowledge management solution – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • I always love hearing customer stories.  This one didn't have a mention of 2013?
  • SPC298-Kirk Evans – Introduction to SharePoint and Windows Azure IaaS  – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Kirk has made a name for himself in anything Azure and SHarePoint, great overview of what is offered.
  • SPC297-Daniel Harris – General Motors- managing 130,000 users- documents and records – making it easy, while maintaining control – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Ohhh…check out slides 23 and 24….did this at General Atomics as well to make people aware of ITAR requirements.  Very nice!
  • SPC296-Best Buy_ The rise of the ninjas—a SharePoint 2013 user adoption story – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Putting levels to your end users and rewards at each level – very cool!
  • SPC295-Melanie Hohertz – Cargill- Real-world challenges and value in introducing enterprise social – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • Slide 12, funny.  You should watch the video on this one to get any real value, slides probably don't do it justice.  Watch session SPC266…much better!
  • SPC294-Jason Himmelstein – Achieving better business productivity through Apps for Office – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • Although it overlaps with the session above, it is one of the better review of Apps for Office
  • SPC293-SharePoint on-premises, in the cloud, and everything in between – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • This is one of two slide decks on the benefits and inevitability of moving to the cloudO365.  Both decks present the argument in different ways.
  • SPC291-Joel Oleson – The strategy behind building a successful social intranet – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • Joel uses some very interesting images to get the points across.  Overall, I think the message came across in the end, you should supplement with the video.  You should watch SPC266, I think the message is much more clear there.
  • SPC290-John Ross, Randy Drisgill – Branding Internet facing web sites with SharePoint in the cloud – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Randy and John yet again prove they are the masters at anything branding related!  Some good tidbits of SPO hosted internet sites.
  • SPC288-Matt Bremer – TypeScript for SharePoint 2013 Developers – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • I have never used TypeScript, likely won't, but some people swear by it.  Matt does a good job of proving TypeScript is something to look at in the future.
  • SPC286-Vasu Rangaswami – The Ins and Outs of SharePoint Licensing – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • I guess that's a simple as Microsoft licensing gets…well done!
  • SPC285-Asif Rehmani, Mark Gillis – No-code SharePoint 2013 Solutions for power users – CJG Rank ? of 5
    • Slides probably don't do this session justice.  You have to watch the video…
  • SPC284-Girish Raja – Harnessing social technologies with Microsoft Dynamics CRM – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Wow, talk about going all in with cross platform integration!  Dynamics CRM is using SharePoint and Yammer very heavily!  CHeck it out!
  • SPC283-Jim Nakashima, Saurabh Bhatia – Get started developing Apps for Office & SharePoint 2013 – CJG Rank 3 of 5
    • Grr…huge overlap with this session and other app sessions.  Total candidate for dropping in leiu of another cool session.
  • SPC282-Christophe Fiessinger, Juliet Wei – Microsoft's roadmap for Enterprise Social – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • The phrase "Work like a network" started here…check it out and watch the video!
  • SPC281-Jason Bullock – Office 365 and Dynamics CRM Online – better together – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Very cool session on how to integrate your Office 365 and Yammer with CRM Online!  Awesome!
  • SPC280-Chris Slemp – Microsoft- Our Enterprise Social Journey – CJG Rank 5 of 5 (possible 6)
    • Oh baby…this is a MUST review and watch session!!!
  • SPC279-Ben Canning – Secure, Reliable and Evergreen Service at Massive Scale- Lessons learned from Running SharePoint Online – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Want to know how to run a REAL online service and continually exceed expectations?  Check out this session!  Amazing!
  • SPC278-Ed Dale, Pat Velderman – EY- making enterprise search successful – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Awesome…it's like a slide deck made from my search chapters!  Combine this with Mikael's session on relevance and you have everything you need to do a successful search deployment!
  • SPC277-Eric Harlan – Lessons learned from a support engineer- where there was no planning, there was no adoption – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • I was losing hope in the first few slides, then slide 22 hit me….AWESOME…don't keep your DR plan in SharePoint…LOL!
  • SPC275-Allison Michels – How to become a Yammer Power User in 75 minutes – CJG Rank 3 of 5
    • A good review of some basic things you should do with Yammer.  Thing is though, you would need Yammer to do these steps, which probably means you already did everything Allison showed, and if you don't have Yammer, well, then you wouldn't be able to do it until you setup your freemium service.
  • SPC273-Eric Charran – Application lifecycle management in Office and SharePoint – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • Probably could have dropped all the intro App Model stuff and just ju
      mped straight to the meat.  I think this is actually a 300 level session!  ALM for Apps…interesting…
  • SPC272-Rafal Lukawiecki – Advanced-and Easy!-BI with Excel and SQL Server Data Mining – CJG Rank 3 of 5
    • Don't get it, where's the tie in with SHarePoint and Power* or Power BI?  And why 200 level?  This is 300 level.
  • SPC271-Michael Atalla – Work with anyone, anywhere, on any device – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • More of a marketing set of slides on why O365 with a focus on cross device support.  Watch the video for the demo.
  • SPC270-Richard Harbridge – When should we use SharePoint out-of-the-box, add third-party apps or build custom solutions – CJG Rank 5 of 5 (possible 6)
    • Wow X10….Richard has the most amazing slides of anyone I have EVER seen.  And he is an amazing speaker.  So talented and a great person!  Watch this session!!!!
  • SPC269-Whats new for the Office & SharePoint developer – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • Slide 30 is the best…
  • SPC268-What's new and what's coming for OneDrive for Business – CJG Rank 3 of 5
    • Intro to OneDrive, more marketing than anything else, some mentions of the SP1 feature enhancements for on-prem
  • SPC267-Astrid McClean – What's new with Document Retention in SharePoint and OneDrive for Business – CJG Rank 3 of 5
    • Hmm, another eDiscovery prezo.  I guess Document Deletion Policies are new.  Yet wasn't that something we could do anyway, just not with a UI to it?  Unfortunately, the focus should not be on new features, but making current features scalable in examples such as 40,000 my sites.  This one could have been cut in lieu of SPC233.
  • SPC266-Virpi Oinonen – Driving enterprise social from the bottom up – CJG Rank 5 of 5 (possible 6)
    • This session made me go back and re-evaluate all the previous socialyammerjourney stories.  This one is by far the BEST!
  • SPC265-Paul Olenick – 6 Proven Steps to Get the Best Out of Search in SharePoint 2013 – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • I love Paul, but I think his session fell into overlap with several others…not his fault, but in case you wanted a different view of search features, this is another one.
  • SPC264-Allison Michels, Steve Nguyen – Best practices for breaking down organizational barriers using Yammer – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • Some good tips on deploying yammersocial
  • SPC263-Angus Florance – Giving voice to frontline workers via enterprise social – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • Another deploy yammer and all your problems will go away session…
  • SPC262-Doug Welsby, Yahya Haque – Efficient planning, reporting and decision making with Project Pro for Office 365 – CJG Rank 3 of 5
    • A session more adequately done at Project Server conference
  • SPC261-Sean Laberee – Developing and Debugging Apps for SharePoint with Visual Studio 2013 – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • Wait…how is this a level 200 again?  Not much in the slides, the demosvideo is where the meat is…
  • SPC251-Mary David, Sarat Subramaniam – Sharing content internally and externally with OneDrive for Business and SharePoint Online – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • You should watch and make sure you understand what is going on here, it is actually really important…
  • SPC250-The tipping point between on-premises and the Cloud – CJG Rank ? of 5
    • One slide, gotta watch the session
  • SPC248-Rich Wood – Yammer External Networks- Engaging Customers and Partners – CJG Rank 3 of 5
    • Another Yammer session…
  • SPC247-Angus Florance, Chad Slipka – Successful team collaboration with Yammer & SharePoint – CJG Rank 2 of 5
    • This session was not needed (overlaps 100% with other sessions) and should have been dumped…
  • SPC246-Jan Skjoy – Knowledge Management with SharePoint and Yammer – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • Ok, this one was not bad at all,  you should take a look!
  • SPC245-Kieran Gupta, Kate Dramstad – OneDrive for Business and Mobility-  Access your files while on the go from any device or platform – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • A very thorough review of OneDrive for Business platform support…very well done!
  • SPC244-Bill Baer – IT Pro audience keynote  SharePoint on-premises, in the cloud, and everything in between – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Oh damn..I totally missed the JSON Light support in SP1!!!  Tons of cool announcements in this session!  Check it out!
  • SPC243-Dan Holme – SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 upgrade and migration- strategy and tactics – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Tons of prescriptive walkthrough guidance on strategy for upgrading.
  • SPC242-Sajan Parihar – Project and Portfolio Management in the Cloud – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • "The man with the plan" so they say…if you watch any project server session, this is the one!
  • SPC241-Pankaj Lohumi, Ayushi Garg – Professional Manufacturing Dashboards with SharePoint Online and Visio Pro for Office 365 – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • Everything you wanted to know about data driven Visio diagrams
  • SPC240-Adam Jung – Office 365 Partner tools  – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Ohh…cool UIs for partners to help assist customer with O365!
  • SPC239-Steve Nguyen, Peter Walke – Real-world, best practices for making enterprise social successful – CJG Rank 3 of 5
    • Another social session…shoot me now…overlap!
  • SPC238-Ian Hameroff – Office 365 service communications to customers – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • Interesting session, cool to see the O365 team being more open!
  • SPC236-Scott Jamison – Leverage what you already know about SharePoint as you move into 2013 – CJG Rank ? of 5
    • Not sure what to say or think about this one…guess you should make your own judgement…
  • SPC235-Joe Banks, EJ Bastien – Showcase- How Microsoft Legal does eDiscovery – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • Not many slides here, have to watch the prezo, would have been awesome to be there to ask some of the harder questions!
  • SPC233-John Gargiulo, Astrid McClean, Quentin Christensen – Overview of Compliance in SharePoint and Office 365 – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Another eDiscovery session, however, this one is one of the best in terms of features comingavailable!
  • SPC232-Dene Cleaver – Everything you need to know about the Office Store – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • Dene is on the SP PMG and owns the Office Store.  He delivers a nice overview of the store, and although there aren't any specific "we have heard from you" points in the slides, you should check out the video.
  • SPC231-Going beyond the browser  deploying native Office desktop apps in 60 seconds or less – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Ohh, did not realize that Office Pro 365 was AppV based!  Interesting…lots of architectural details of Office Pro 365.
  • SPC230-Seayoung Rhee, Michael Tejedor, Miguel Martinez – Overview of Power BI for Office 365 – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • Overview of Power BI.
  • SPC229-Agnes Molnar, Israel Vega Jr – Designing and ap
    plying information architecture for SharePoint and Office 365 – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    •  A fresh take on IA.
  • SPC228-Ryan Sockalosky – Deliver adaptive and personalized experiences for your SharePoint 2013 sites – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • An interesting take on cross site publishing.
  • SPC226-Lori Gowin – Content Types, Managed Metadata, and You – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • A nice intro to content types.  Would have been better if a discussion of the Content Type Hub and all the things that could go wrong and how to fix them was added.
  • SPC224-Cem Aykan, Jeff Seacrist, Robert van Son, Olaf Hubel – The SharePointConference.com Site- From Sketch to Launch to Live! – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • A cool look at how they built the www portion of the sharepoint conference site.  Now if only someone would do the "What the hell we did wrong" session of MySPC…
  • SPC223-Pankaj Jain, Himani Arora – Developing Facilities Management Solutions using SharePoint Online and Visio Pro for Office 365 – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • A second session on data-drive Visio diagrams.  Not bad…
  • SPC221-Greg Frick, David Norton – UW- students and teachers store, sync and share – OneDrive for Business in EDU – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • WOW…Greg and his manager David delivered a VERY infromative session on their migration journey and where they are today with all the limits they are hitting in O365!  You MUST check this one out!
  • SPC217-Scott Jamison – Making SharePoint Collaboration Rock by Increasing Discoverability – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Scott has a totally different style than the typical speaker.  Although the topics he discusses are covered in other sessions, he did a good job of making it easier to digest and in 75 mins…
  • SPC216-SharePoint Online_ Built for the Enterprise – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • This was a rollup of a lot of the things you'll see in the other sessions.  I guess if this was on day one, it makes sense to have this session as an intro to point you to others.
  • SPC215-Laura rogers, Jennifer Ann Mason – Tips & Tricks to make the most out of your SharePoint site and maximize adoption – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • These two are very passionate about what they do, and they can take even the most complex things and describe them perfectly to business analysts.  Good session
  • SPC214-Vijay Kumar – Office 365 Trust – Security, Privacy and Compliance – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • I met Vijay during a series of interviews in Redmond a few months back.  Very smart guy.  He has the tough job of making sure people know that O365 is secure (including government agencies around the world).  Truth is…O365 is VERY secure.  There is no security reason that you should not look at O365.  Vijay presents all the security mechanisms that have been put in place to make you sleep at night.
  • SPC213-Amanda Lefebvre, Mike Morton – Collaborate with Office and Office Web Apps – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Ohh…a cool look through screen shots of how OWA has changed over the years!
  • SPC212-Chris Teer – Stanley Black & Decker- rolling out OneDrive for Business in Office 365 connected to SharePoint 2013 on-premises – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Oh wow…if you are a consultant, you MUST watch this session!
  • SPC209-Showcase_ Winning User Adoption Strategies from Best Buy, Nationwide Insurance & Trek Bikes – CJG Rank ? of 5
    • One slide – watch the session
  • SPC208-Quin Nikel, Jeff Medford – Enhance your messaging and communication solutions with Office 365 – CJG Rank 3 of 5
    • 7 slides?  really?  Come on Avanade, you are better than that.  Can't imagine the video is any better…
  • SPC207-Agnes Molnar – Best practices for Information Architecture and Enterprise Search – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • A good overview.  Would have liked to see some items on setting up managed properties properly across multiple crawl properties covered (naming schemes, etc).
  • SPC206-Tom Wisnowski, Alex Lee, Srikanth Gutha – Automated SharePoint 2013 disaster recovery with Windows Azure and Cloud Packs – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Woah…didn't even realize they had SPRaas implemented!  If you do anything with Azure, you HAVE to watch this session.
  • SPC205-Kevin Schroer, Nicholas Thiel, Roberto Yglesias – The Seattle Art Museum- art meets function with SharePoint 2013 – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • How SAM went SharePoint
  • SPC204-Jeff Conrad, Chris Usher – Anyone can build a SharePoint App with Microsoft Access – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • Two of these sessions, this is probably the better one.
  • SPC203-Cathy Dew – Adjust the perspective with responsive designs for SharePoint – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • A second responsive design session, but this had different content than Eric's.  Together they are a great take on responsive design!
  • SPC202-Alistair Speirs, Jeff Medford – A behind the scenes look at Office 365 for IT Pros – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • A look at behind the black box of O365.
  • SPC201-Dan Holme – SharePoint 2013 demystified – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • Dan's IT Pro intro track, with some cool screen shots from Sochi!
  • SPC200-Mark Rackley, Eric Harlan – 10 Steps to a happier cloud app migration – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • A nice overview of some of the differences between on-prem and O365 and what you should be thinking. 
  • SPC124-Bernd Hennicke, John Fiske – SAP- Should You ‘SharePoint-enrich’ SAP or ‘SAP-enable’ SharePoint – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • All about SAP, Microsoft and OpenText…if that sorta thing is for you, then watch this session.
  • SPC123-John Defrees, Jimi Ibbett – HP- HP Reference Architecture for Microsoft SharePoint 2010 data protection with HP Storage and Veeam – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • I have several customers that have started using Veeam and they LOVE IT.  Good session to watch!
  • SPC122-Office 365 and Yammer The Winds of Change – CJG Rank ? of 5
    • One slide, watch the video
  • SPC121-Working Smarter – Automating your communications – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • Wow, watch the video!  THe slides are interesting and different from any other prezos you will see.  Some impressive work done by the MS Sales team around productivity
  • SPC120-Executive Track Keynote The Dynamic Future of Work – CJG Rank 5 of 5
    • A very high level look at the overarching goals of the Office Division's products
  • SPC119-John Mancini – Tackling the Challenges of Information Management & Governance – insights from AIIM president, John Mancini – CJG Rank 4 of 5
    • Ooohhh…some juicy data points for your presentations to management or as a speaker at other conferences!
  • SPC113-Jeff Fried, Oleg Kofman, Chris Skinner, Katie Larson – Generate Enterprise-Wide Impact with Business-Critical SharePoint Solutions – CJG Rank ? of 5
    • You'd have to watch the video, PPTs don't do it justice.
    • < /ul>

    • SPC112-Work like a network_ The power of Enterprise Social  – CJG Rank 4 of 5
      • Listen, Adapt, Grow = Social
    • SPC108-Dan Holme, The Cloud Navigating the benefits and challenges of this disruptive innovation  – CJG Rank 5 of 5 (possible 6)
      • By far…one of Dan's best presentations EVER…the best of all the "what does the cloud mean and what options do I have" sessions.
    • SPC107-Overcoming barriers to achieve social business success and adoption – CJG Rank 4 of 5
      • A good presentation, but a feel others did a better job in simplifying things into an more easily digestible format (take your pick from 5 sessions on this topic)
    • SPC106-A comprehensive strategy to drive business value with SharePoint – CJG Rank 3 of 5
      • This session was more focused on driving business value but not so much with SharePoint in mind
    • SPC105-Beyond Business Critical SharePoint for Hybrid Deployments – CJG Rank ? of 5
      • One slide, watch video
    • SPC100-Beyond Deployment How IT Can Inspire, Motivate And Drive Sustainable Adoption – CJG Rank 4 of 5
      • Dux always puts a fun spin on things. 

SP24 – The FREE 24-hour SP Conference!

This will be a fun event, make sure you watch some of the great presenters deliver some killer content (including myself)!

​SP24 – The Free 24-hour SharePoint ​Conference

is a SharePoint Conference with a difference and if you are interested
in SharePoint you are going love it, and here's why :
  1. It's entirely on-line – so you won't need to leave the office or home!  
  2. Free for all attendees.
  3. Takes place on 16th April 10pm GMT.  
  4. In the first 4 weeks of registration over 2400 attendees signed up.
  5. Lasts for 24 hours.  
  6. World famous speakers from all over the world. 
  7. Keynote from Bill Baer (Senior Product Manager, Microsoft). 
  8. Comprises of 2 tracks, (business and technical).  
  9. 48 Live sessions + on-demand sessions. 


There will be 48 FREE hour long online sessions for 24 hours and the keynote speech is by Bill Baer,
who is the Microsoft Senior Product Manager for SharePoint. I will find
out where the industry is heading, the direction of SharePoint and
associated products, the best practices and news about upcoming
integration across technologies for no cost whatsoever. I will learn
about the comprehensive scope of features, functionalities and solutions
that SharePoint can offer, and I will bring this information back.


There are over 50 speakers and over 2500
(and rising) delegates, Microsoft engineers, Microsoft Certified
Masters and MVPs will be speaking and viewing the sessions from around
the world. On top of having exclusive access to the experts, I will
have the opportunity to chat online with speakers and other conference
attendees, and get our questions answered while learning how SharePoint
can provide solutions for us.


I am already signed up to attend SP24 and I strongly suggest you book your place early by visiting : https://www.sp24conf.com


The Keynote starts on 16th April 2014 10pm GMT and will last for 24 hours.

SPC14 Conference Review

My SPC14 Conference Review:

This is my fourth SharePoint Conference.  Every conference has been a completely different experience for us.  Two of them I have spoken at, two I have simply been an observer.  SPC14 was a unique one in the fact that the Project Server conference (my first) was 4 weeks before.  In each conference I had three sessions.  That's six sessions in 4 weeks!  I spent almost three months prepping for those six sessions.  In the end, I managed to etch out 4.4 or higher in all of them and am currently in the running for one of the top sessions of SPC14!  My sessions included:

However, this will be the last time I do more than one session!  The work and expectations for each session are incredible, and given there are so many cool and awesome people in the Product Marketing Groups (PMG), you don't want to disappoint any of them!  However, doing that many sessions is not advisable.  You lose out on time to spend with friends and potential clients, and you don't get to watch many of your fellow speakers give it their all!  That being said, I will look to do sessions in the future, but won't be so over zealous for the sake of the pocket book (ie missing opportunities).


I was a little disappointed about the PMG spending all that money on having Bill Clinton come out and speak.  I felt it would have been a better use of the funds if they had gotten Satya, Microsoft CEO, to come and give a speech that gave us a rallying cry for why Microsoft is about to become the coolest company on the planet.  It would have been free and much more exciting in my opinion.  Not to mention we could have had some kind of cool artist at the attendee party (and then maybe we would have gone).  In terms of the demos, awesome.  Just plain awesome.  The behind the scenes details of how those came about is pretty funny, and I was crossing my fingers when Julia and others got up to do them that everything would work out ok.  And for the most part, they did!  Now that all the marketing ideas have been dropped on the table (and yes folks, those things you saw last week are not yet fully baked, and its possible you may not ever see them again), its time to start the execution phase, good luck Building 17, and get SharePoint Server 2015 out the door!


None the less, this was a great conference as Lidiya and I got to see some of our favorite people again such as

But in addition we made some great new friends:

Oh yeah…and this guy too:


In terms of sessions I didn't get to see any [:(], but I will be downloading all the PPTs and doing a review as I have done in the past. In its place, I did manage to get several mentions and mention #SPC14 a lot on twitter!


Also, I didn't make it all the way around the Exhibit hall this year.  I only made it about halfway, but did find some jewels during that period:

  • WalkMe
    Can you say "COOL"?!?  I will be exploring these guys thoroughly over
    the next few weeks.  I see a lot of potential for value add with the ACS
    courseware moving forward!
  • Formotus
    I guess, and this is purely from the sales guy that was manning the
    booth, the CEO is an old Microsoft Engineering guy that knew Infopath
    was going to be dead even before the PMG knew it.  The solution looks
    solid, but I'd have to take it for a serious test run before I'd
    recommend it to clients.  Also think they could have come up with a better name?
  • Sada Systems – A competitor to Qumu in the video streaming space.  Their model is like Yammer in that all your content is hosted in their cloud solution
  • HarePoint – An http module based approach at on-premise SharePoint analytics.  Pretty awesome stuff!  I don't think there is anything they missed from the data they collect! (Russian Developers)
  • Datapolis – A competitor to Nintex and K2.  They do have some pretty unique features that are worth checking out!


When there wasn't something major going on (or we choose to skip them because they were going to suck), we spent a lot of time in the V Bar in the Venetian.  The door men got to know us really well and were so nice! And they had great music!  The one cool thing about the ClubSPC was the DJ, he had an awesome DJ setup and is super well know around the Microsoft and tech community for his great DJ skills.  If you want to contact him for parties, his name is Derek Mazzone (derek@kexp.org).  He left from SharePoint Conference and headed to SXSW to do some partying (horrible life right?).

In terms of the cool parties, as always, AvePoint did a killer job keeping us close to our hotel rooms, yet still getting us on the dance floor and providing wonderful refreshments at Tao nightclub!  In terms of travel and cool factor, the Metalogix et all party was pretty sweet too.  I can only imagine what happens if you have a cabana with your own hottub at the Marquee dance club, hope they clean the water daily and no one fell in!  In addition, the K2 guys were nice enough to let us crash in their massive table area on the dance floor!


In the end, the club at Hakkasan was by far the best experience we had all week!  This club had the BEST digital light display and dance floor effects I have seen in a very long time!  If you ever get a chance to go to this club before its "not cool and too old", DO IT!

Oh and @SPCPartyPatrol was off the hook!  They win the prize for most outgoing and partied out individuals of SPC14 by light years!

Other Reviews:

 Here are some other conference reviews you can check out:


Overall, the conference was a blast, and although not everything went to plan (such as the MySPC site having major fails – and nothing to do with my wonderful amazing friends at FpWeb, and several other things you won't be privy too nor can I say anything about), the speakers, attendees and Las Vegas made up for it!

Eat Sleep SharePoint Repeat Lyrics…

Download link:


So there was this Microsoft guy Bill, who was like kicking off SP Conference
I don't know what he was doing
But it was sick man
Like, he was like
Servers in the air

And then all of a sudden, these exec cats strolled in
You know not like a real cats, but those types in Redmond
You know what I'm saying dog
They brought the clouds, yeah, it started raining
Well, it was vegas, so it really wasn't raining
We were raving

And I don't know whether he was really saying it
All he kept saying was,





Suddenly I think I'm on yammer
Suddenly I think I'm on posting a selfie
But I'm not
I'm just dancing
I'm just dancing
I'm just dancing

I'm just sharepointing
I'm just raving
I'm just repeating

SharePoint SharePoint SharePoint…

The Top Sessions that CJG wants to see at SPC14

Here's the list of sessions that I am going to try to attend in my spare time (if I get any!).  You should check these out too, they look really awesome!

  1. SPC425 – Best practices for maintaining and updating a SharePoint App
  2. SPC421 – Federating applications with Office 365 using 
  3. SPC325 – Real-world examples of FTC to CAM transformations
  4. SPC334 – Real-world SharePoint architecture decisions
  5. SPC397 – Deep Dive on the Data Management Gateway in PowerBI for connectivity on premise and hybrid scenarios
  6. SPC356 – Designing, deploying and managing Workflow Manager farms
  7. SPC371 – Developing socially connected apps with Yammer SharePoint and OpenGraph
  8. SPC340 – SharePoint 2013 Search Analytics
  9. SPC353 – AMD: 13 million users. 54 million page views, www.amd.com on SharePoint 2013. Done
  10. SPC380 – Integrating Yammer and SharePoint using .NET
  11. SPC393 – 7 Tenets of Highly Scalable SharePoint 2013 Apps

See you next week!

Yammer Apps Review and Ranking

I have been working a lot with Yammer over the past few months, simply from the standpoint of integrating it with on-premise solutions.  You can see all the fruits of my labor at my SPC session in March:

As part of my development research, I decided to take a look at all the apps that are currently available in the Yammer "App Store".  Here's a run down:

  • Yammer has 66 public apps published 
  • 22 of the apps are from the Yammer team
  • Spigit and HYPE Innovation have two apps published, but seem to be overlaps
  • 40 single app vendors published

In contrast, the SharePoint store has 240 apps published.  See this post for a run down all of those Apps:

Some of the interesting things I noticed:

  • The IFrame window that opens for the apps is ridiculous.  Basic users won't be able to find the "Allow" button or be able to continue to fill in app details.  This is a Yammer problem and not the App vendors problem.  Yammer should fix this. 
  • No categorization of the Apps. There are a lot of archiving solutions.  If you already have one, it would be great to hide all archiving apps.
  • Apps that don't have a freemium service are doing a great disservice to themselves, they will lose to those that do provide it.
  • Apps that store your data (like the QNA app) is not easily indexed and searchable.  Only the data in the feed is indexed.  Your data is now crawling out across the internet.  Have those companies done as much as O365 in terms of getting security certifications?  Doubt it.  Most are small companies out of San FranJose that don't have the VC money to spend on expensive certs.
  • If you publish an App, make sure your site and app entry point is working (http monitoring is good people)!  It would be good for Yammer and Microsoft to have an automated process that verifies that the app entry points are valid and working.
  • If you publish an App, make sure your site SSL certificate is updated.  Very embarrassing.
  • Yammer really needs to put where the message came from like Facebook and Twitter does…come on man!
  • Yammer app permissions messaging sucks.  The phrase "Your credentials will be passed to the application" is a horrible way to say it.  No, my password is not being passed to their app, just the token that allows them to impersonate…geez…come on man!

The best of the best:

There are some hugely notable apps in the Yammer app catalog.  These include:

  • SolvePath have to be some of the smartest people I have seen in the
    social space.  They GET IT.  They are 3-4 years ahead of everyone else,
    their architecture and design is simply impressive
  • The Social Radio is just freaking amazing.  With all the Kinect work I have been doing, I can tell you this app was not easy to build and the voice synth is out of this world!
  • I'll be using Xendo a lot more moving forward, indexing of all your content in one place.  Just amazes me that the Search O365 platform is so stingy when it comes to indexing other data sources.
  • Delve and Scoop.it provide automated news posting across your networks (makes you look like a news hero)
  • GlowBl is simply lightyears out there, if you can wrap your mind around it…you will be a media rockstar!
  • Zapier and IFTTT are so cool, end users can build their own workflows with no coding required.  I give Zapier a leg up as their UI is way easier to use!

Here's my run down of all 66 Yammer apps:

Author Name Description HasTrial AppType Rank Comment
brainsonic CaptainPost CaptainPost is a web application that helps you copy and paste multiple posts to Yammer networks and generate newsletters based on Yammer posts.
If you are a community or project manager, CaptainPost helps you share interesting posts from one group to another, from your internal feed to external networks…etc.
It is the perfect tool for technology scouting on Yammer. Select the publications you would like to share, select the destination groups and click on publish. It is simple as that.
Try it now: http://www.captainpost.com
True Freemium 5 Allows you to cross post across Yammer networks! You only get a 100 post quota.
Delve – The social news reader for your company Delve Try Delve free with your company for 30 days.
Get personalized news suggestions for you and your team, post articles and comments to Yammer, and build an archive of key reads.
Team members who spend a lot of time scanning the web for articles save time with Delve’s sophisticated recommendations.
Key features:
– Follow topics u0026 sources—news sites, blogs, trade journals and more—relevant to your job and industry.
– Full Yammer integration: articles posted to Yammer appear in Delve, and vice versa.
– A Trending Section that highlights the most shared articles across your team.
– A daily email digest, with trending articles and personalized recommendations.
– A Browser Extension, so you can post articles from anywhere.
True Freemium 5 VERY COOL! Allows you to select news articles to post to your Yammer feeds to keep employees informed! LOVE IT!
Microsoft Corp. Dynamics CRM Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a customer relationship management software solution focusing on automating, managing and improving Sales, Marketing, and Customer Service business processes. Microsoft Dynamics CRM is also a powerful extensible business application platform that can be customized to meet the demands of many industries.
Customer relationship management (CRM) can help reduce costs and increase profitability by organizing and automating business processes that nurture customer satisfaction and loyalty.
False AppStub 5 Check out the video to see how this works. Dynamics CRM has figured out how to take advantage of Yammer for sales genereation. This is not customer facing. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics/video-popup.aspx?UUID=bb734052-0825-402d-9e26-ed3202b3da64&v=http://content3.catalog.video.msn.com/e2/ds/3fa92f8a-25dc-4956-b9cb-0654482a05bd.mp4
Glowbl Glowbl.com Work, share, talk with who you want wherever you are on the planet. False Free 5 The UI is tough to figure out, but once you do…OMG…these french guys built something amazing with huge potential! The yammer app is simple a Stub to post feed items.
Mindflash Mindflash.com Mindflash makes it easy to create and manage e-learning courses. Upload PowerPoint, Word, PDF, or video and Mindflash converts them into a Web-based course. Add quizzes, narration, invite trainees via email, produce certificates and track results in real-time with automated tools.
Mindflash is perfect for:
•Onboarding of new employees
•Product and Sales Training
•Customer Care training
•Compliance Training
Mindflash integrates seamlessly with Yammer to help you publicize courses, invite trainees and encourage deeper trainee engagement. In fact, Yammer itself uses Mindflash to train its own employees and customers!
All Mindflash plans have a FREE trial with unlimited use, NO contracts and NO credit card required.
True Paid 5 Much better than LearnShark. Cool features taht allow you to convert powerpoint, word docs and PDFs into training. As users complete courses and objectives, posts to yammer feed.
Officevibe Officevibe Fuel your company culture and increase engagement at work. Officevibe makes your workplace healthy, productive, social, eco-friendly, and generous. Recognize your colleagues for all the great things that are done in your office and have some fun doing it. True Freemium 5 One of the best social engagement apps I have seen. Lots of prepackaged activities to post to your Yammer feed. I'd say possible merger target by Microsoft.
Okta okta.com Here are a few key business challenges that Okta can help you solve today:
* Single Sign-On: as cloud and web applications increase in number, employees quickly become overwhelmed managing multiple URLs, usernames, and passwords. Okta solves this.
* Automated User Management: Okta provides user import from AD, AD-driven provisioning and deprovisioning, and password synchronization. All of these make it much easier to administer Yammer across enterprises of all sizes.
* Leverage Active Directory: Okta integrates once with Active Directory and federates your corporate identities to all of your cloud and web applications, including Yammer.
True Freemium 5 Identity Management at it's finest. Wow. 26+ plugins for identity management. Problem of logging in to 100's of sites to disable a user is solved! scary though…a company that olds all the keys!
RightSignature RightSignature™ Easy Online Document Signing Send contracts, forms, proposals – any document you need signed – for legally-binding e-signature with a few clicks. Your customers fill out and sign documents online in any web browser, or even on a mobile device. No printing, no faxing, no hassle.
“Elegant” – ReadWriteWeb
“Powerful” – Fox Business
“Great” – ZDNet
RightSignature will update your private Yammer activity stream when a document has been sent or signed. (No posts are made to your public message feed.)
In addition, this integration syncs your Yammer home network members in RightSignature. When you’re preparing a document to send for signature, start typing in a signer’s name and RightSignature automatically fills in the rest of the name and email address for you.
True Freemium 5 Pretty sweet UI and integration with Yammer. Going to give Docusign (who Microsoft uses right now)a run for their money. But easy with some dev focus for them to integrate with Yammer and take these guys out.
Senexx SolvePath Senexx Solvepath allows you to Find and Share Answers faster with your Yammer!
Curate your questions by automatically tagging them with relevant topics on Yammer that make it easy for experts to find and answer.
Instantly notify relevant experts of your questions on Yammer for faster responses.
Sync your Yammer profile with LinkedIn to automatically share your expertise and interests with coworkers across the company.
The App includes three main features:
1. Analyze expertise using your LinkedIn profile
2. Automatically adds topics to questions
3. Automatically mentions relevant coworkers
True Freemium 5 Wow, talk about data gathering for smart tagging and expertise search! Integrates to find expertise no matter where it is and present questions to people with that expertise on multiple networks (automatically for you)! These guys "GET IT"…everyone else is just shooting in the dark!
The Social Radio, Inc. The Social Radio Listen to your Yammer feeds mixed with your favorite music! True Free 5 OMG…SO FREAKIN COOL! You have to get this! Reads your yammer, twitter and facebook! The voice synthesis is AMAZING! Multiple voices, emphasis is GREAT! And it plays music in the background!
Xendo, Inc. Xendo Connect to all the places where you do your work and get a unified view across your content, so you can get more done, faster and easier. True Freemium 5 Indexes all your content across all your accounts for easy searching. This is pretty sweet! Now if only we could get SharePoint search in O365 to do this…
Zao.com https://www.zao.com Zao Referral Hires True Freemium 5 Allows you to post jobs to your yammer, twitter, google and facebook feeds. Also allows for search for candidates in linkedin. Simple and easy to use!
Zapier Inc Zapier Zapier lets you connect Yammer with 100+ of the best web applications used by businesses everywhere.
With Zapier you can easily:
* Post new items from an RSS feed to Yammer
* Create new activity feed items for support issues in Zendesk or Desk.com
* Post new events from your Google Calendar so colleagues know about your meeting
Zapier works with 100+ of the most popular web applications. Setup takes less than 10 minutes so you can easily be up and running today.
True Free 5 Similar workflow app like IFTTT. UI is much more simple and the AJAX messages are HILIARIOUS!
Yammer, Inc. http://developer.yammer.com/connect/ Yammer Embed True Free 4 Allows you to embed yammer anywhere
Yammer, Inc. https://about.yammer.com/product/mobile/ios/ Yammer Now True Free 4 Yammer messaging made easy
Freeborders, Inc. Social Connector for use with SAP Follow important objects in events and post to your activity stream in Yammer when they occur. False Paid 4 Allows you to post SAP messages to Yammer feeds
UserVoice UserVoice The easiest way to get feedback – from customers and employees alike – now feeds directly into the heart of your social business. The Yammer service hook for UserVoice pushes:
* ideas and comments posted to your UserVoice feedback forum.
* kudos given by customers
…directly into your Yammer activity stream.
Yammer + UserVoice means that your team is more connected and even more great ideas flow.
True Freemium 4 Allows you to post suggestions, comment, kudo, forum and status updates to yammer feed
Scoop.it Scoop.it Scoop.it allows you to discover relevant content on your favorite topics and easily share it to Yammer. True Freemium 4 Similar to Delve. Allows you to publish articles across multiple feeds simultaneiously.
Yammer Inc. Salesforce.com Use Yammer together with Salesforce.com for unmatched real-time collaboration across your entire business.
See what colleagues are working on: Discover relevant activity across the sales department as it’s happening, including updates to accounts, opportunities, campaigns, and more.
Seamlessly share your work: Automatically send updates on your work in Salesforce.com to Ticker, accelerating discovery across the company and informing coworkers of existing work streams.
Aggregate business data across platforms: Access a superset of activity streams from Salesforce.com and other business applications including SharePoint, Box, Badgeville, Spigit, Tripit, BrightIdea, Expensify and more in a single hub.
False Paid 4 Fires off events from SalesForce.com to your yammer feeds (again, another CRM type of integration like Sage and Dynamics). Eventing seems to be unique though.
OpenQ, Inc. OpenQ SafeGuard for Yammer OpenQ’s SafeGuard for Yammer helps organizations monitor and enforce policy and regulation for infractions including:
* Corporate Integrity Agreement compliance
* Healthcare issues such as HIPAA
* Life Sciences Issues including Off-label promotion, REMS social communications monitoring, Adverse Events and anti-kickback
* Financial regulation such as FINRA
For more information, please visit www.openq.com or watch the following video:
False Paid 4 Provides some insane compliance functionality, I'd say they are the leading archival app for yammer.
Lamplighter Games OTR Send messages to your friends u0026 coworkers that disappear after being viewed using our browser extension. True Free 4 Messages are deleted after they have been viewed for 5 secs. I'd give a 5, but it requires Google Chrome and really has nothing to do with Yammer messaging…
Kudosnow kudos Kudos corporate social network and peer-to-peer recognition system is the simple, social, effective and affordable employee engagement solution.
Employee engagement is a key element to any successful business. In today’s knowledge economy, your most valuable assets are your people. All organizations need to have a strategy to engage u0026 align their team to achieve their business goals. The best way to do that is with enhance communication, collaboration u0026 recognition.
It pays to make recognition part of your culture. Organizations where recognition regularly occurs, employee engagement, productivity and customer service are roughly 14 percent higher than in those without recognition.
Thank Different with Kudos.
True AppStub 4 Allows you to send a Kudo to a yammer user. Also works across linkedin, google. UI and setup is a little klunky.
Meldium Meldium Meldium is a simple way to give employees access to the cloud tools they need. From Yammer u0026 Google Apps to dozens of other web apps, Meldium provides centralized management of accounts and permissions in an easy interface. True Paid 4 Manage user accounts across multiple cloud services
Recognize Recognize Recognize is motivating the workplace with professional social recognition. Workers send and share recognitions with their colleagues and coworkers. Sign up for free. True Free 4 Very simple recognition app. Doesn't dilute with other functionnality.
ifttt Inc. IFTTT IFTTT provides a simple way to integrate the services you use everyday with Yammer. You can create and share IFTTT Recipes that automate tasks, sync content, archive data, and much more. True Free 4 App stub for the IFTTT application platform
GoodData Corporation GoodData Yammer Analytics GoodData Yammer Analytics App enables you to track and manage your Yammer community growth! By applying industry best practices, GoodData Yammer Analytics App is an out-of-the-box solution that provides visual insights into key business activities and metrics. GoodData Yammer Analytics App leverages GoodData’s full-stack platform, from data loading, storage to leading visualizations.
GoodData Yammer Analytics App is built on top of Yammer’s Data Export API, which enables the application to analyze your entire community since inception. By partnering with Kanjoya, GoodData Yammer Analytics App helps you gain a deeper understanding of your community by providing sentiment analysis, which, for example, can help measure employee morale.
True Paid 4 Be ready for all your data to leave your yammer networks. I'm not a fan of hosted solutions like this. I think it should be a pre-packed software so you keep your data. But that's my humble opinion.
CorpQNA CorpQNA (Qu0026A for Business) CorpQNA is a better way to create FAQs at work. Ask questions to the right teams, compose better questions, and get meaningful and thoughtful answers.
CorpQNA for Yammer lets you import Qu0026A from Yammer, sign in, synchronize your Yammer groups, ask questions to your Yammer Network, and share FAQs, questions and answers in your Yammer newsfeed.
Answer questions directly from your email or mobile device. Curate a repository of frequently asked questions for new employees. Foster more effective communications and problem solving at work with CorpQNA.
True Freemium 4 Allows you to create questions similar to MSDN, post the question to Yammer and then solicit feedback and answers.
Kanjoya, Inc https://yammer.kanjoya.com Crane True Freemium 3 Takes a while for them to setup your data
Yammer, Inc. https://about.yammer.com/product/browser-extension/ Chrome Extension True AppStub 3 Allows the Yammer Chrome app to connect to your instance
Yammer, Inc. Desktop Stay on top of Yammer activity with the Yammer Desktop Client.
The Desktop Client leverages features built for the Yammer website to deliver an experience optimized for the desktop. Get conversations, notifications, and private messages streamed directly to your desktop, enabling you to stay connected to your organizations without checking your browser.
True AppStub 3 Allows the yammer desktop to connect to yammer. Being retired.
7Geese 7Geese – Goal tracking, Recognition, Feedback u0026 Coaching 7Geese eliminates the performance review with a new, social approach to performance management. Track personal and team goals, recognize colleagues, and gather valuable feedback all in a continuous, real-time environment. True Freemium 3 The app install is messed up. You need to tab to fill in all the values in the iframe (and create an OpenID). Once you have it installed, you can create objectives that everyone can participate in, you can recognize individuals and schedule 1 on 1s. You must also add everyone to the app that you want to participate, I would have imagined it would have pulled from yammer but alas, no.
Achievers Achievers Achievers is the ultimate Employee Success platform that helps individuals of all levels within a company recognize each other and celebrate accomplishments together, seamlessly through the Yammer platform. The recognition shows up right on the Yammer newsfeed where it can be tagged with different Yammer topic or shared to specific groups.
• Promote a culture of accountability and recognition with public recognition.
• Recognize the milestones and behaviors that lead to success
• Foster a culture of transparent communication
• See collaboration and connections amongst groups via recognitions to one another
• Broadcast recognitions via an accessible newsfeed
False Paid 3 Acheivers is a remotely hosted application that will make posts into your Yammer feeds based on the activities performed in their system. It does require you to purchase a subscription from them in order to use the software. No Trial is available.
AffinityLive AffinityLive AffinityLive helps you and your team work better with your clients. By automatically capturing all of your client emails in one place, AffinityLive gives everyone in your business a single, shared view of activity– making email social, discoverable and collaborative for the first time.
– Automatically captures client emails without users changing the way they work
– Strong, configurable privacy settings to protect sensitive relationships u0026 information
– Real-time updates are posted to the Yammer activity stream
– Works with Google Apps, Microsoft Exchange and Office365
– Syncs with your iPhone, Android, Blackberry or Windows Phone
– Optional upgrades to add sales, project management, invoicing and helpdesk modules.
True Freemium 3 This app connects to your Google, O365 or Microsoft Exchange and imports in all of your contacts. Once imported, it will manage your email and map those emails to interactions with your peers and customers in a CRM like way. It can manage your tasks and fire activities to your yammer feeds. Honestly, this thing is MASSIVE. It is a very salesforce.com like approach. Not much to do with Yammer in this app, and the app is more of a gateway to get you to check them out.
Yammer, Inc. https://about.yammer.com/product/mobile/android/ Android True AppStub 3 Allows the Yammer Android app to connect to your instance
Proofpoint, Inc. Archiver for Yammer Proofpoint Archiver for Yammer addresses regulatory compliance concerns associated with implementing Yammer in regulated organizations such as Financial Services and Healthcare.
• FINRA, SEC, SOX, HIPAA, FDA compliant.
• Integrates with your existing email archiving solution: Proofpoint, Symantec, HP/Autonomy, Global Relay, Mimecast, Smarsh, etc.
• Leverage your existing e-discovery tools
• Advanced functionality to meet your complex workflows
Proofpoint Archiver for Yammer captures Updates, Replies, Files, Polls, Praises, Questions u0026 Answers, Events, Announcements, Private Messages, Group Communications, and Chats.
False Paid 3 Allows the Proofpoint App to connect to Yammer. Converts all yammer content to an email and then sends to a compliance officer. Very simple and I'd say effective. Emails are kept even if user deletes the content.
Smarsh Inc http://www.smarsh.com/yammer Archiving & Compliance for Yammer False Paid 3 An archiving system that dumps out your yammer content for compliance. They have alot of archiving plugins available
Automation Anywhere Automation Anywhere Cumulus Cumulus is a “social sounding board” where anyone in an organization can suggest time-consuming, manual tasks to automate, and then seamlessly move from “idea” to “fully automated task” using Automation Anywhere’s powerful, easy-to-use software.
With Cumulus, Yammer users can:
u003E Post automation suggestions, and collect votes to build momentum for automation projects
u003E Utilize helpful workflow process tools that provide visuals for how an automation task will work
u003E Leverage built-in calculators to identify time and dollars saved by automating a task
u003E Initiate automation projects practically as quickly as they can be thought up
Get automating! Connect Cumulus to your Yammer account today.
True Freemium 3 Allows you to create Initiatives and suggestions and allow people to vote on those initiatives and suggestions. Top suggestions can be converted to projects. One would wonder why they would reinvent project server, and frankly, they are missing tasks, issues and a whole myrid of other things. I'd simply say, "remove the project" feature.
Badgeville, Inc Badgeville Badgeville for Yammer enables companies
to measure, influence, and reward key user behaviors in their enterprise applications, and publish them into
Yammer’s Activity Stream as contextually relevant
updates. By surfacing employee rewards and reputation in front of the right people, it motivates employees to utilize their work tools more effectively and move the needle on key business processes.
False Paid 3 Similar to Four Square, as user's perform various tasks, you can post a feed item with a badge. App keeps track of what badges users have received in the background.
Yammer, Inc. https://www.yammer.com/blackberry/ BlackBerry True AppStub 3 Allows the Yammer Blackberry app to connect to your instance
harmon.ie http://harmon.ie harmon.ie Yammer Embed False Paid 3 An appstub for allowing harmon.ie apps to talk to yammer
HootSuite HootSuite The Yammer integration with HootSuite makes the transition between internal and external social collaboration even easier by providing a way to monitor and reply to Yammer conversations from the HootSuite dash.
Users who spend their time listening and engaging with their audience in HootSuite, and find themselves leaving the dash to collaborate with their colleagues on Yammer, can now pull these efforts into one place, saving valuable time and keystrokes.
Key Features
– View your Home, Company, Private Message and Group feeds
– Post updates to your Company and Group feeds, including attachments
– View likes, replies, and attachments for all updates
– Like and reply to all updates
– Search for content in your network and groups
False Paid 3 No data available.
HYPE Innovation HYPE for Yammer HYPE for Yammer streams activity from your innovation portal directly into Yammer and enables you to progress high-potential ideas generated in Yammer through your HYPE platform to enhance, evaluate, prototype, and implement. Extend the reach of your innovation program, drive awareness of current campaigns, and tap into expert knowledge to uncover high-value ideas.
Features include:
– One-click import of comments from Yammer, including attachments, pictures and
False Paid 3 No data available.
HYPE Innovation HYPE GO HYPE GO! is an on-demand collaborative innovation tool. It enables organizations of all sizes to get started with idea management instantly by creating idea campaigns around challenges, invite users to submit ideas, collaborate, review, and select the best ones for implementation.
HYPE GO! is more than a one time tool – it helps you build and manage your idea portfolio ensuring long-term value. Bring together your organization’s brightest minds to work out high-quality concepts. Go beyond simple ideation and make use of your company’s greatest asset: the people that work there.
HYPE GO! includes guidance on how to run a successful innovation program – based on the knowledge gained in over a decade of projects.
False Paid 3 A type of idea generation and cultivation software. Links yammer ideas to HYPE ideas. I guess HYPE has better Ideas than yammer does. Create IDEA campaigns that generate ideas, then evaluate and select ideas.
Yammer, Inc. https://about.yammer.com/product/mobile/ios/ iPad True Free 3 Allows the yammer iPad app to connect to yammer. Being retired.
Yammer, Inc. https://about.yammer.com/product/mobile/ios/ iPhone True Free 3 Allows the yammer IPhone app to connect to yammer. Being retired.
Kindling Inc. https://kindlingapp.com kindlingapp.com False AppStub 3 another idea generation application
OneLogin OneLogin for Yammer Single Sign-On (SSO) and Active Directory Integration OneLogin’s Free Plan for Yammer enables enterprises to easily connect their internal Active Directory and LDAP server to Yammer, synchronize users in real time, employ single sign-on, and enforce multi-factor authentication.
OneLogin is entirely cloud based and allows you to get up and running in minutes. No software to install, no appliances, no firewall changes.
OneLogin automatically creates, updated, deletes, suspends and activates users in Yammer based on real time changes in your directory, which both simplifies user administration and improves compliance.
Instantly search across multiple cloud applications like Box, Google Apps, Salesforce, Yammer and Zendesk.
True Freemium 3 I'd give higher score if they had actual walkthrough of how to setup the integration. Its not obvious.
Swrmit http://learnshark.co LearnShark True Freemium 3 You can create learning paths with multiple types of content. Very similar to SCORM structure. Keeps track of users actions for trending analysis. I dont see where Yammer plays here (no messages generated).
Perks.com Perks Recognition and Rewards Let Perks accelerate your culture of recognition, through peer to peer acknowledgment. Drive improved performance, employee retention levels and employee satisfaction with this integration that provides a centralized and automated recognition standard across the Enterprise. Increase visibility to key business and performance initiatives by recognizing and rewarding individuals whose behaviors align with those business initiatives and earn points that can be redeemed in a rewards catalog. Posting activities into the Yammer activity stream creates both excitement and healthy competition. Users easily nominate each other for things like “Employee of the Month” or “Going Above and Beyond”. False Paid 3 Perks knows all about motivating people…but can't describe their app at all. Another employee recognition tool. Needs a freemium version.
Quandora Corporation Quandora Question u0026 Answer Quandora empowers companies to foster a community of continuous learning and employee engagement with shared knowledge building through the simple act of asking questions.
Nearly every workplace has unspoken rules, internal processes, general modes of operating, and technological know-how that is hard to find and track. This proprietary knowledge is difficult to capture, document, and communicate to internal teams.
Quandora empowers users to ask questions, share knowledge, and learn on a platform that is accessible to all team members. Our web and mobile-based tool ensures that invaluable information is never lost and that communities are constantly learning and improving.
True Free 3 Another Q&A app. I'd say the CorpQNA app is better.
Sciforma http://www.sciforma.com Sciforma US False Paid AppStub 3 Simply fires off project events to Yammer. Idea…yammer integration with Project Server, vendors think of common sense things before MS teams do
Triple Creek River When paired with Yammer, learning-centered collaboration in River can be shared in broad networks via Yammer, creating even more buzz for your learning activities.
River is a next generation social learning platform that helps people:
– Connect with colleagues throughout their company in learning-focused activities.
– Set up their own learning engagements on the topics and areas that they need to learn about.
– Offer their expertise as an advisor to colleagues in areas of their choosing.
– Build networks of colleagues that they can turn to for questions, guidance, insights and more.
Help your employees improve efficiencies, cut costs, spark new ideas, reduce time to market, spread best practices, and more with River.
False Paid 3 No data, needs freemium version to see what you are getting.
Sage Sage CRM Integration Business collaboration across teams using Sage CRM is made easy with social-style collaboration powered by Yammer. This makes business conversations concerning opportunities, leads and support cases more social and transparent, providing greater visibility for all employees. False Paid 3 Not sure how visible and used Sage CRM is. But the Dynamics offering is very similar (if not identical) in the use of the feeds across CRM entities.
Yammer, Inc. SharePoint Maximize the power of SharePoint with Yammer and turn business collaboration into a social, mobile, and engaging experience.
Whether it’s on premise or in the cloud,Yammer deeply integrates with SharePoint to add a real-time social layer to core SharePoint capabilities. Engage in team and company-wide conversations, collaborate around files and projects, and become more productive by using SharePoint and Yammer together. And when you’re on the go, stay connected to conversations happening inside SharePoint with Yammer mobile applications.
True Free 3 Allows you to connect sharepoint to yammer.
Spigit Spigit Engage SpigitEngage is the leading platform for end-to-end social innovation management for the enterprise. Manage the innovation process, from generating ideas to executing the best ideas for driving business growth. Make innovation a predictable business process that achieves measurable outcomes for your company. SpigitEngage integrates with Yammer to bring deep idea management functionality, game dynamics and social algorithms for business innovation to the Yammer ecosystem.
Spigit helps the worlds leading brands invent disruptive new products, generate new revenue streams, build an innovation culture, reduce costs and significantly improve employee and customer engagement. Spigit products are used by over 1500 customers around the world.
False Paid 3 Idea generation and cultivation.
Glassey Technologies Inc StratPad StratPad is an iPad app that walks you through the business planning process step-by-step and instantly prepares the reports you need.
You can create your strategic business plan — including financial projections and project plans — in an hour or two, not days or weeks.
Deep Yammer integration enhances planning communication and collaboration, reduces time spent managing the process, and helps your entire team come together on the same page.
Use StratPad and Yammer to create the strongest possible business plan that is fully supported by your entire team.
True Paid 3 I'd hope that you have your business figured out, but I guess you can lose focus every now and then in times of transition? Trial doesn't allow Yammer integration 🙁
Subscribe-Software Pty Ltd Subscribe-HR A decade of practical experience
has been drawn upon to enable us to provide a truly end-user focused HR Cloud Computing Solution.
Subscribe-HR configuration is easy and robust. End users are able to configure up to
60% of the Subscribe-HR application, without the need to know any programming
skills. This presents substantial cost saving in relation to the immediate and on-going
management of Subscribe-HR.
Subscribe-HR Modules Include:
Employee and Manager Self-Service
Graphical Reporting
Payroll Outsourcing
True Paid 3 A full HR system with some type of Yammer integration
Yammer, Inc. https://about.yammer.com/product/mobile/windows/ Windows Phone True Free 3 Allows the Windows Phone app to connect to yammer. Being retired.
Yambla Yambla Yambla is a fun, simple and social way for companies to collect ideas from employees and customers, and to make them happen.
Collect ideas when they strike, get notified about the most promising ones and use the social momentum to make them happen.
True Freemium 3 Another Idea fostering and tracking application. App install and integration is broken. Most send you to the signup page, this one just drops you to nowhere land.
Zendesk Zendesk With Zendesk Live Feed, your Activity Stream in Yammer displays important notifications of your Zendesk ticket activity, so you and your entire organization are always up-to-date with real-time support information. See a live feed of updates in the Activity Stream whenever a ticket is created, comments are added to a ticket, ticket status is changed, or a customer satisfaction rating has been submitted.
Each Activity Stream update includes a link back to the Zendesk ticket, so you and your support team can quickly respond to an urgent issue or see what your customer had rated in their satisfaction survey.
False AppStub 3 Simply posts ticket info to Yammer feeds
ViewDo Labs ViewPoint Enterprise Get federated visibility of your company’s Yammer and SharePoint platforms. Watch changes in user and group adoption over time. See which groups and sites are most and least active – by posts, likes, shares, documents and more. Identify your most influential users across the enterprise. True Freemium 2 Doesn't work, after two days still doesn't show any data
Spigit Spigit Idea Meter Idea Meter is a free app to crowdsource answers that drive better business decisions. Launch a private site for employees or a public site with customers and partners. The app brings game dynamics, behavioral algorithms and a pairwise voting mechanism that’s pure genius to the social conversation in Yammer. Login with Yammer and get Idea Meter in the Yammer activity stream.
Idea Meter enables better leaders, gives everyone a say in decisions and helps focus the company on what matters.
Idea Meter is brought to you by Spigit, the leading social innovation platform that drives growth at over 3000 companies around the world. Learn more about Spigit Engage, the comprehensive social innovation platform for the enterprise, at spigit.com.
True Free 2 Not as advanced as the other Q&A apps
Klout Klout for Yammer Klout has partnered with Yammer! We have many exciting new features in the works, but for now you can publish your Klout score and topics where you have influence into Yammer. True AppStub 2 A nonworking appstub. They are using our data to try to build a platform with no real timeline for having it done. Jerks.
feedfall https://www.feedfall.com feedfall True Free 2 A simple view of your yammer feed. Enterprise feature uses a Pinterest style view for $1499. I don't think this is a corporate app, more of a single users type.
WPG Solutions Giving This application allows Yammer users to donate to their favorite charity and share and invite others in their networks to do the same. Philanthropic giving made easy via Giving on Yammer. https://giving.cc True Free 2 Simply posts that you gave money to a charity.
HyperStart Limited http://eleface.com/ Eleface True None 1 Site was down when I tested. Not good.