Windows Identity Foundation 4.0 SDK

I ran into a problem with trying to run the latest samples of the WIF.  I'm building a cool LiveID example with SharePoint 2010.  The examples wouldn't run because ASP.NET 4.0 was not installed. 

HTTP Error 500.21 – Internal Server Error
Handler "PageHandlerFactory-Integrated" has a bad module
"ManagedPipelineHandler" in its module list

Similar to the old days, you have to run the aspnet_regiis -i command from the C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319 directory


SharePoint 2010 Looping Workflows

The beta and RTM versions differ just a little bit when it comes to looping workflows.  In beta, it simply would have killed your steps after the first workflow.  But this one will determine that it needs to stop after the second workflow fires.  After that, you will get this in the ULS LOG files, question to test/ask yourself, how far can you go before SharePoint 2010 doesn't know a loop is happening?:

AutoStart Workflow: Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: Recursive
workflows are not permitted


Issue when upgrading to Office 2010

I ran into a couple of issues when upgrading to Office 2010:

  • My Macros were blown away
  • If your OS index is corrupted, your Outlook may blue screen your machine
  • Microsoft Accounting will fail on the WaterMark API call

Just make sure you back up your macros and clear out your windows OS index file to ensure you don't have the same problems.


Reinstalling a different SharePoint Instance

I came across a problem of moving backwards on my version of SharePoint (2010->2007).  I uninstalled SharePoint 2010, and then went to install 2007.  Everything worked fine until I got to the psconfig.exe step.  It would fail immediately with a FileNotFound exception.

Turns out that.NET has some assembly redirection magic happening!   You have to run the following commands:

cd c:windowsassemblygac_msil

Edit the config files in the following directories to remove the redirect bindings:


cd c:windowsassemblyGAC_64



SharePoint Designer 2010 – Reusable Workflows – Associate to List feature

If you build a re-usable workflow and click the "Associate to List" feature without first publishing it you will get an ASP.NET error on the addwrkfl.aspx page.  The error is an Object Not Found NullReference error.  You would think that you would get a nice SharePoint error dialog box, but not in this case.  This could be a confusion point for your users.


The sandboxed code execution request was refused because the Sandboxed Code host Service was too busy to handle the request

That's quite the error right?  In just about every farm I have setup so far, I am getting this error: "The sandboxed code execution request was refused because the Sandboxed Code host Service was too busy to handle the request"

I haven't quite figured out exactly what the problem is, the ULS logs don't help much, they simply give a IPC error.  I have double checked everything.  Not sure what happened in RTM that changed from BETA.

I have seen the ACL fix, but that's for a domain controller.  Even applying the fix, it still won't go 🙁


Advanced San Diego SharePoint Users Group (!

It is my pleasure and honor to announce a NEW SharePoint Users Group will be started in San Diego! The formal announcement will be at the SharePoint Launch Party at Karl Strauss.  All attendees to the Launch Party will get a complimentary membership for the first years meetings! 

Last chance to sign up before the event is here

This group will be hosted by Architecting Connected Systems, New Horizons of Southern California and Hersey Technologies.  This group will be focused on VERY advanced topics of all kinds!  For more information, check out our SharePoint 2010 site here:

Meetings will be the 1st Tuesday of every month with the first meeting on June 1st, 2010!

If you would like to become a member, please register and drop us a line, if you would like to sponsor our meetings, drop me a line.


Full Farm Backup SharePoint 2010

In walking through our course labs one more time, I found that when backing up the Farm in "Full" mode, if you cannot resolve the various service applications through the web service WCF services, the entire backup will pause on "In Progress" indefinitely. 

I found that when uninstalling Office Web Apps, you will be left with an instable farm.  One side effect is that your services will start failing and will be set to "Stopped".  I noticed that several of my Windows Services are not  starting autmatically for some weird reason (no, its not a password and yeah, I can see the DC).  Even after setting them back up property and starting the services, the backup would never fully continue.  I have yet to find a resolution!!!

You will also have to deal with the following items here
