Rapid Solution Deployment – SharePoint 2010

Blog #5 in How I Successfully Upgraded eBay to SharePoint 2010 – See Previous Blog In Series

As part of the eBay upgrade, we had several code changes that had to be made and tested.  This included Solution Deployment and all its glory.  One of the things I really got tired of doing was going into Central Adminsitration and undeploying solutions.  It is a very painful process.  You may ask, why didn't you do it through Visual Studio…yeah right…it errors out half the time and never really gives you a great message on how to resolve it.  Therefore, I wrote a script for that!  I'm going to be posting several of the scripts we utilized to very common processes during the upgrade.  Here is the script that we built to deploy the solutions:

$minutes = $args[0]

if (-not $minutes)
$minutes = 15

$di = new-object system.io.directoryinfo("c:WSPDirectory")

foreach ($fi in $di.getfiles("*.wsp"))
$date = get-date
$date = $date.addminutes($minutes*-1)

if ($date -lt $fi.lastwritetime)

$sol = $null

$sol = get-spsolution $fi.name  -erroraction silentlycontinue

if ($sol)
"Retracting $fi"
uninstall-spsolution $fi.name -confirm:$false -allwebapplications -erroraction silentlycontinue
uninstall-spsolution $fi.name -confirm:$false -erroraction silentlycontinue

while($sol.jobexists -eq $true)
start-sleep 3
$sol = get-spsolution $fi.name

"Deleting $fi"

"Adding $fi"
add-spsolution $fi.fullname

$sol = get-spsolution $fi.name

"Installing $fi"
install-spsolution $fi.name -allwebapplications -gacdeployment -erroraction silentlycontinue -force
install-spsolution $fi.name -gacdeployment -erroraction silentlycontinue -force

while($sol.jobexists -eq $true)
start-sleep 3
$sol = get-spsolution $fi.name

"Deployed $fi"

Note that one thing that can be added to this script is an interrogation of the solution ID.  This is better than going off the name of the solution (which actually changes in production deployment using YYYY-MM-DD notation) and this script would not work for production.  Only in Development and QA was this handy.


See the next blog post in this series HERE

Increasing SharePoint Performance – CSS, Javascript and Pictures

Blog #6 in How I Successfully Upgraded eBay to SharePoint 2010 – See Previous Blog In Series

One of the requirements of our upgrade was that the upgraded system would perform better than the current 2007 production environment.  This included the latency to Europe and other non-US countries.  Their are many options that one would have to do this, these include the following:

  • Increased bandwidth
  • Decrease latency
  • Page Weight
  • Caching (Server, F5, Proxy, CDN)

Increased bandwidth:

In our case, bandwidth was not an issue.  In your circumstances, that may or may not be the case.  If you have a small pipe, you won't be able to get too many requests going through it.  In the end, this really isn't a big deal.

Decreased Latancy:

SUPER SUPER important.  Latency is the time is takes for the html packets to get to the client.  If you have high latencies, your users are going to hate your intranet/SharePoint and call it slow.  Even though you spent millions on hardware and it is able to generate the HTML faster than any other system, it can't get it to them fast enough.

Decrease Page Weight:

If you were to fire up Fiddler and watch the typcial traffic flow for a request to SharePoint 2010.  You will see several requests are being made to the server.  Because there is an order to the madness, their is a multiplier effect to the time it will take for a user to fully load a page (even with async requests occuring).  YOUR NUMBER ONE GOAL IS TO MINIMIZE THE HTTP REQUESTS FOR A PAGE.  How do you do this?  You can do this in several ways:

  • Compress CSS
  • Minify Javascript
  • Evalute Picture Usage

Compress CSS:

The CSS classes between 2007 and 2010 changed A LOT!  If you had custom CSS that overrode the out of the box CSS, it very likely will not have any effect in 2010.  It should go without saying….you should remove this CSS.  You should also attempt to determine how many different CSS files you have being downloaded from your pages.  If you can consolidate those into one CSS, then you are going to be in a very good position moving foward.  Steps:

  • Find all CSS classes used in your pages
  • Evaluate if they can be combined into one CSS file
  • Determine what CSS is used 
  • Remove un-used CSS from your CSS files
  • Compress the CSS (remove all white space)

How does one find out is CSS is used or not?  Here's the steps:

  1. Get all your CSS classes used in your CSS files 
  2. Export all ASPX files from SharePoint to the SharePoint Root
  3. Run a search on all the files for each CSS
  4. Any CSS that is not found can be deleted

1.  How does one export all the CSS?  Heres a handy script:

$templateDir = "c:program filescommon filesmicrosoft sharedweb server extensions14 emplate"

del "$templateDirASPX" -recurse -force
mkdir "$templateDirASPX"

#export all aspx files to temp directory
$cdbs = get-spcontentdatabase
$count = 0

foreach($cdb in $cdbs)
"Processing " + $cdb.Name

$conn = new-object system.data.sqlclient.sqlconnection $cdb.legacydatabaseconnectionstring.replace("Timeout=15","")
$cmd = $conn.CreateCommand()
$cmd.CommandTimeout = 4000
$cmd.commandtext = "select dirname, leafname, content from alldocs ad, alldocstreams ads where ad.Id = ads.id and ads.id in (select id from alldocs ad where extensionforfile in ('aspx')) and ad.internalversion = ads.InternalVersion";
$reader = $cmd.executereader()

while ($reader.read())
$filename = $reader["leafname"].replace("/","_")
$fileContent = $reader["content"]
$dirname = $reader["dirname"]

$temp = $count.tostring() + "`t" + $cdb.Name +"`t" + $dirname +"`t" + $filename
add-content "Files_ASPX.txt" $temp

[System.IO.File]::Writeallbytes($templateDir + "ASPX" + $count.tostring() + "_" + $filename, $fileContent)


2. How does one search for the CSS?  Here's another handy script (note it will take a while for this to finish):

$classes = get-content "Css.txt"
cd "c:program filescommon filesmicrosoft sharedweb server extensions14"

foreach($_ in $classes)
dir -r -i *.aspx | select-string $_ | select filename, linenumber >> $_.txt
dir -r -i *.ascx | select-string $_ | select filename, linenumber >> $_.txt
dir -r -i *.css | select-string $_ | select filename, linenumber >> $_.txt

3.  Create a list of all the CSS classes used in your CSS,

4.  Compare the output of the last script and your CSS list, determine what is not used.  I'll leave it to you to write the script for that.  Just use a hashtable 🙂

5. Compress your CSS, tools for that:

Minify Javascript:

SharePoint 2010 will cause your page weight to go up.  This is because of its heavy use of JavaScript.  They did think ahead and minify the javascript files, so that ensure you don't take a huge hit on the files.  If you have your own custom JavaScript and you haven't minified it, you are causing a higher page weight and your remote users will not have an optimal experience.

Tools to Minify are here:

Evaluate Picture Usage:

Does your site have a lot of pictures?  Doesn't look like SharePoint anymore?  That's both a good and bad thing.  The more pictures you have, the large the page weight.  Here's what you can do to decrease the page weight:

  • Ensure that buffer images are width 1 and heigth 1 – I can't tell you how many times I have seen an image created that is 10K and is used as a buffer image.  It only needs to be a few bytes and a 1×1 image!!!
  • Use sprites – make lots of small images into one to reduce your HTTP requests


There are lots of ways to do caching.  And there is a ranking of most benefical and easy caching methods…here they are:

  • Proxy Server
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  • Hardware compression
  • F5 Load Balancer
  • Web Server

Proxy Server – The proxy server method *really* is the best one.  You can put a proxy server in each of your geo locations.  The job of the proxy server is to cache common elements like CSS, Images and Javascript and do it on that side of the "pond".  This makes such a HUGE difference its not even funny.

Content Delivery Network (CDN) – very similar to the Proxy server in that it keeps a local copy of the content, but you have to factor that into your web page design/HTML.  I'm not a fan from an
easy of manageability standpoint, but it would match the proxy server in the performance increase you would see.

Hardware Compression – By deploying devices on your network edges, you can compress the WAN traffic.  This tends to be a very costly solution and requires a lot of testing.  In larger organizations, good luck with getting the network guys to mess with anything sitting next to the routers!

F5 Load balancer – an F5 can act like a proxy server by caching files, but typcially the F5 sites in front of the web servers on the Farm side of the network.  It is very cost prohibative to have an F5 in each data center in each geo location acting as a proxy server.  That being said, it can still site on the Farm side and cache the CSS, Images and Javascript.  It still is exposed to the latency of your network, but the files will be in memory and be served up faster to the clients because they won't have to be fetched from the web server file system or content database.

Web Server – You can have the web server cache HTML from the execution of the ASPX pages.  This does NOT help with the latency issues, but it does help with the actual execution performance.  As we will see in the next blog post, Object Caching KILLS SharePoint 2010 so you have to be careful where you implement it.  You can also implement Blob caching at the web server level.  This is very beneficial for publishing sites as it will keep SharePoitn from hitting the content database every time to load images, CSS and Javascript.

In the end, we were able to increase the visible and technical user performance for Eurpoean users by over 30%.  They have made alot of comments of how much faster it is, even if their are weird quirks with the sites, they are still amazed at how fast it is!  Chalk one up for the CJG-mister!


See the next blog post in this series HERE

Output Caching in SharePoint 2010 – It doesn’t work, err it does…

Blog #7 in How I Successfully Upgraded eBay to SharePoint 2010 – See Previous Blog In Series

In my last blog post I made a comment that Output Caching does not work in 2010.  Well, it works, but that's the problem.  SharePoint 2010 has elements that are very poorly designed…but we all knew that didn't we?

What is object caching?  It's an ASP.NET feature that allows the HTML of the page to be cached in the web server's memory and very quickly be presented to the clients (albeit slowly with high latency).  Output caching can be turned on on your publishing sites in the Site Actions, Site Settings page for the site collection.  Again, once turned on, the HTML is cached….this is bad.  Yes, I said it is bad.  Why? 

There is this wonderful control called "PersonalSiteActions".  This control emits javascript directly to the page.  This javascript is specifc to a user.  Wha????   Specifc to a user?  But that means….yep….you got it.  The first person to hit the page will cause the HTML to render and THAT HTML WILL BE CACHED.   What does the rendered HTML look like?  Here it is:

function ctl00_ctl39_SocialNavControl_insertMyProfileMenu() {   
var menus = document.getElementsByTagName('menu');   
if (menus == nullreturn;   
var menu = null;   
for (var i=0, len=menus.length; i<len; i++) {       
if (menus[i].id.lastIndexOf('PersonalActionMenu') != -1) {       
menu = menus[i]; break;        }    }    if (menu == null)   return;   
var elm = document.createElement('ie:menuitem');   
elm.setAttribute('menugroupid', '50');   
elm.setAttribute('description', 'View and manage your profile.');   
elm.setAttribute('text', 'My Profile');   
elm.setAttribute('onmenuclick', 'STSNavigate2(event,'http:u002fu002fwww.blah.org:80u002fsitesu002fmyu002fPerson.aspx?accountname=CONTOSOGIVENSCJ)');   
elm.setAttribute('id', 'ID_MySiteLinksMenu');   

var elm2 = document.createElement('ie:menuitem');   
elm2.setAttribute('menugroupid', '50');   
elm2.setAttribute('description', 'Open your personal homepage');   
elm2.setAttribute('text', 'My Site');   
elm2.setAttribute('onmenuclick', 'STSNavigate2(event,'http:u002fu002fwww.blah.org:80u002fsitesu002fmyu002f')');   
elm2.setAttribute('id', 'ID_MySiteMenu');   

What happens when the next user comes along?  The javascript is CACHED.  When they click on the "My Profile" link, they will go to the GIVENSCJ personal site NOT their personal site.  This is what is know as a non-cache safe control.  One might think that you could just go into the ASPX page and edit this, but NO.  This is inside the PersonalSiteActions control.  One might think, I'll create my own control…well, that's a start, but upon further investigation via reflector, you see that is IMPOSSIBLE.  The control has several permission based checks for if a page is in Shared mode or Personal mode and all kinds of internal methods and properties.  Dead end.

This same problem happens for any control you have written that outputs user specific content.  You must ensure that ALL of your controls are cache safe for the basic out of the box output caching to work.  If you don't want these to be cached, you are goign to have to tell the output cache not to cache those sections.  Now we are customizing the out of the box master pages…YUK.

NOTE:  One other issue with the PersonalSiteActions is the "My Site" link.  Notice how it takes you to the default.aspx page that has the newsfeeds.  How is that your "My Site"???  Really?  The SharePoint team could have kept the branding similar as it just confused the hell out of users when they are navigating in SharePoint 2010.  So what can you do with this? 

  • Change the link where the javascript points
  • Update the page to have a redirect

The only way to change the link for the PersonalSiteActions is to do HTML capture and rewrite (yes we even tried javascript and fancy JQuery – no go!).  You can write an HTTP Handler for this.  What happens if you do this?  Our friend Output Caching is not a friend to HTML rewrite.  It forces the output cache to disable itself.  Output cache minus the quirks in SharePoint 2010, can cause a huge increase in application performance.  Implmenting HTTP redirect forces this off, but it worked as I was able to replace the link to the proper link for the my site

The easiest way to get the "branding" right, wa
s to put on the default.aspx page, a redirect to person.aspx.  Problem solved, output cache saved.


How I Successfully Upgraded eBay to SharePoint 2010

And so it begins!  This is my first blog post in a few months…where have I been?  As some of you know, I have been the Sr. Architect of the eBay SharePoint 2010 Upgrade Project.  One of 3 *major* upgrades that are occuring in the United States in 2011.  I will be presenting a series of blog posts on how we did what we did and what challenges we ran into over the project.  This is the first of about 15-20 blog posts of material you have not seen before on any MVP, MCM or anyone else's blog post because I know for 100% fact, we were the first to do many of these things!  Which makes me think we were the first to really do a major upgrade with all the pieces (DR, DMZ, data center move, firewalls, etc).

First, a little background. The project started in early March and we were given a target completion date of mid July.  Several vendors bid on the process, but none had a response as deep and technical as ours, with several other carrots and goodies built in.  Also, all of them but ours said it was impossible to do in 3.5 months.  Many quoted 3x as long and 4x as much in price..WOW.  I was also well known by the eBay team for my work at other companies and the ACS SharePoint Courseware.  So my reputation preceeded me, which is good and bad depending on who you are (wink wink to Microsoft).

I started off the project in a very Avanade like manner (I worked at Avanade for about 1.5 years) using the ACM methodology, which is very similar to Microsoft's MOF.  The phases include:

  • Envisioning
  • Planning
  • Executing
  • Stabalizing
  • Deploying

As part of the Envisioning phase, I utilized a series of tools that I had built over the past few months that would do a DIFF of their SharePoint servers.  I will have a whole blog post on this tool in the next couple of weeks, and I can tell you right now, MCS was drooling to get their hands on it.  This tool determined EVERYTHING they had done to the environment.  Using this data, I was able to map it to the code and solutions and determine what items we didn't have code for.  This was a great process step as we learned where the code was, what it mapped too and where it was used.  All very vital elements to making sure the upgrade would be a success.

As part of the Planning phase, we needed to start to get an idea of the reasons behind moving to SharePoint 2010 and what changes MUST be made to the environment moving forward.  This evolved into building out a massive Governance document FROM SCRATCH, utilizing elements from our ACS Governance course.  It is much more details than anything out there today (sorry Nuedesic, Slalom et all).  This doucment really got the converstations going between the management and us to figure out what really had to happen and what the final Farm needed to look like.  We also had to identify what code needed to be refactored (and let me tell you, don't ever hire an accounting company to do SharePoint code – some of the worst code I have ever seen).

The executing phase, my favorite phase!  Once we knew what needed to happen, we started to do trial upgrades on the envrionments.  As part of this, we needed a moc development 2007 environment and a 2010 environment.  This was not an easy task.  There were several elements such as custom code, 3rd party applications and just a lot of random changes to the SharePoint root that weren't really documented.  Once we installed everything we thought we needed, it became impractial for us to click on every page in the farm to determine if there were any issues/errors.  Utilizing another tool I had built from other projects, I modified it to hit every page in the farm and record if any errors were occuring.  It gave us back nearly perfect data.  We were able to find several components that needed to have extra settings or code installed.  As part of this entire process, I started to create the most amazing document of the project…THE PRODUCTION BUILD GUIDE.   This document has every single step for a network/server admin to perform to get the farm installed and up and running with no interaction from us.  This document is pure GOLD.  We utilized this document to build out two more environments, QA and STAGING.  By this time, I and my friend Satya had built out and upgraded the environment 4 times (you should expect at a minimum to do the same).

Stabalizing.  This was probably the most important step of the project.  As a consultant, I can make anything work and fix any error, but when it comes to the functionality of the sites and components, I can't possibly know that.  This means that business owners must step in and look at the QA and Staging environments to determine if their components are working correctly.  In the end, everything worked out fine due to the stellar team we had, but honestly, we could have given alot more time to this vital piece.

Deployment:  Getting the hardware installed was somewhat of an easy part of the process, one of the hard parts was specing out the hardware that would be needed to support 10s of thousands of users.  I did the first configuration of the hardware and then eBay decided to bring in some MCS folks just to validate.  They unneedingly added in double the memory to the WFEs and APP servers, but hey…memory is cheap so blah (By the way, utilization of the servers shows my config was spot on).  Another thing we had to deal with was the movement of data centers.  We needed to move alot of large content databases to a new data center.  Our upgrade window was 60 hours.  I'll tell you, trying to ensure that a massive farm environment is only down for 60 hours is a REAL challenge.  We had to get really creative to make that happen.  I brought a lot to the table in terms of getting things into that window.  As part of the deployment phase, we needed to build a project timeline with all the steps of the build guide in it.  Each step was a taks with its respective timing (thank god MS Project can do hourly).  After I had built out this AWESOME document, I realized that tasks had to be started the next monday (this was Thrusday evening of the week).  We had to have a mandatory meeting to make sure everyone knew what needed to happen.  Everything went through perfectly, the build guide was the document that really drove the project timelines.  I'l tell you, every step we did out of order or did not do….bit us in the ASS.  I'll never not follow my build guide again!

In summary, the upgrade is complete.  The system is running great, but now we have hit the training aspect for the business users.  It has been quite a shock (even to me, the writer of the first SP2010 courses for End Users) to learn about all the things that the SharePoint team changed between 2007 and 2010.  Some are really great, some are *really* bad.  We have had numerous tickets coming in asking how to do this, how to do that and what the heck is this "ribbon" thing.  Next phase is to build out custom courseware for the users using the great tools we have built at ACS and have utilized for other customers like Exxon Mobil, Abbott Labs and very large government organizations. 

It has been/was a GREAT project.  And although the title of the blog is "How I Successfully Upgraded eBay to SharePoint 2010", you can't do something like that alone (you need at least 4-5 superstars).  The team at eBay was OUTSTANDING to work with and I have to say, the stars aligned for this project to be succesful.  I am confident, no one else on the planet could have executed like we did, I am truely grateful to eBay and the 3rd parties (Corasworks, AvePoint, etc) that we had to engage with on the pr
oject.  Only one person on the team actually has another public blog and that is Maarten Sundman.  He was pivotal in a lot of our code review, code modification and branding aspects of the project.  He was also a "get it done" type of person, which is great to have on a project like this.

Watch for the next blog post in this KILLER series,

Also, come find me at the SP Conference, we will have a session on our eBay upgrade project, feel free to ask some deep and technical questions at the session!

And lastly, if you need help with your SharePoint Upgrade, there isn't anything I don't know about the process, drop me a line and I'll be happy to help!

Continue to next blog post in this series – Upgrading UserProfiles – the non-database attach method


Upgrading UserProfiles to SharePoint 2010 Non Database Attach

Blog Post #2 of How I Successfully Upgraded eBay to SharePoint 2010 – Previous Blog in this series

One of the decisions I made as the Sr Architect of the eBay upgrade project, was to NOT do a database attach upgrade of the SSP.  I viewed the whole process as not very reliable and we didn't want a bunch of junk moving foward to 2010.  So, we went down the path of build it all from scratch.  This presents some interesting problems and this blog post will focus on the UserProfile Service Application component of the SSP.  In summary it entails:

  • Custom properties added in 2007 must be moved to 2010 (definition and data)
  • Custom profile privacy settings
  • All connections must be redone (BDC, Active Directory)
  • Migrate old custom user data

As part of the process, the first thing you have to do is to identify all the custom properties that were added in 2007.  This is actually an easy part as you can simply run a query against the SSP database and the PropertyList table.  Anything over a certain ID value is a custom property.  This definitely gets you the list, but what do you do with the list?  You COULD manually add each one to the UPS service application, or, you could write a lovely PowerShell Script to do the work for you.  How do the scripts work?

  1. We built a custom tab delimited file of their names, values, descriptions, privacy settings and connection information.
  2. We create a script that reads the data and will setup the properties – this was HUGE time saving as the property editing page in UPS is one of the worst designed pages in all of Central Administration
  3. Setup all BDC connections using SharePoint Designer (this includes assigning the proper permissions to the UPS service application accounts to be able to execute the BDC and retrieve data)
  4. We create another script that will setup the property connections (after BDC has been created)
  5. Custom profile privacy settings

That gets the basics done, but what about the data of the users in the 2007 farm?  Just so happens the SharePoint team though very hard about this one.  As part of the SharePoint Admin ToolKit, you have a User Profile replication tool.  This tool will grab the data in a target SharePoint farm (2007 or 2010) and move the data based on the account name of the user (not the recordid as that would change in each farm).

The only problem with this tool is that is doesn't like special characters very much.  These would include the main culprit the 'appersand' (ie '&').  We had to edit all the properties in the production farm that had this in the PropertyVal (of the UserPropertyValue table) to remove it and put 'and' in its place.  Once this was done, the tool was able to use it's error log to rerun for just those users.  You could slowly find all the special characters and remove them to have the users data get moved over successfully.

The last step, and this really is the most important one, is that you ensure that all the privacy settings came over.  We were told the Admin Toolkit would do this, but we found out that wasn't the case.  It is very simple to get these values from the older 2007 farm by joing the UserProfile_Full and the UserProfileValue tables on recordid and getting the "privacy" column.  Then all you have to do is to update the same values in the 2010 farm and BAM…you are DONE!


Check out the next blog in this series – Changing your Host headers

Records Center and Document Sets

Got this question asked last week for the second time.  What happens when you submit a document set to a record center?  Can you even do it?  Answers please!  Here we go…

Can you submit a document set to a records center? 

  • Yes!  it is not the typical "Send To->" menu in the drop down, but it does say "Send to another location", then you are presented your send to options. The directory is turned into a ZIP file and submitted!  Jury is still out on if this is a good way to go or not.

What happens if the document set is versioned?  Do the versions get submitted? 

  • No, only the latest version is submitted to the records center.  However, when the record is submitted, if it has the same name as another "record" it will get a unique ID appended to the record's file name.  This means that on top of every version that you submit and approve, you will also need to submit the record to the record center to keep track of its progress.  It will not move automatically if you don't do this.

 What will happen if you submit a document set with a document set?

  • You can't put a document set inside another document set.  At least, not with the UI anyway.  NOTE:  A document set is a folder, folders CAN contain folders and with some database magic you can make this occur. 

Therefore, what happens when you have a document set with a folder and/or a zip file in it? 

  • Simiarly, you can't add folders to a document set! You can however add a zip file to the document set, this works simiarly to simply adding a zip to a zip.  NOTE:  The zipping code is calling .NET Packaging and that's why you get the extra items like "_rels" and "resources" in the file.  I do a similar call in my course bulider tool

Can you rate a Document Set?

  • No, just like folders, you cannot rate a document set

Can you rate documents in a Document Set?

  • Yes, a document set is just like a folder and therefore any document inside of it can be rated.



SharePoint Auditing For Black Hats

SharePoint is not a secure application.  But neither are any other applications out there.  Their are some mechanisms in SharePoint that allow overriding the access permissions to SharePoint sites.  These mechanisms can allow access to resources without the content owners knowing about it. There are however ways to learn of these individuals access via Auditing.  The problem with auditing is that you can clear the audit log.  Let's take a look at how this all works:

Basic site permissions:

Open SharePoint 2010 Central Administration
Create a new web application on port 100
Create a new site collection with a team site template
For the site collection owner assign as user, in my example I'm using ContosoSP_Admin

You should now be able to open the site using the browser (http://servername:100) as the SP_Admin user:


Create a new document in the "Shared Documents" library
Try to login using a different account (in my example "Dan Jump"), you will get access denied:

Advanced Web Application Permissions:

Switch back to Central Administration
Click "Manage web applications"
Select the port 100 web application
In the ribbon, click "user policy"

Click "Add Users"

Select "all zone", click "next":

Type a user, in my example I use "Dan Jump"
Click the "Full Control" checkbox:


Click "Finish"
Switch to the browser, try to access the site using "Dan Jump"
You will be allowed access!:

Click "Site Actions->Site Permission", notice the permissons on the site, it does not show "Dan Jump" having access

Notice that Dan can see the document even though no visible permissions are present
Delete the document in the document library and from the recycle bin. 
It lets you do it!  Poor SP_Admin won't know where his document went!


This scenerio presents some challenges around accountability.  SharePoint administrators can at will assign permissions to sites, that by default are not tracked!

Site Collection Auditing:

Login to the team site as SP_Admin
In the Team site, click Site Actions->Site Settings
Under Site Collection administration, click "site collection audit settings":

In the documents and items section, check all the checkboxes
In the list, libraries and sites section, check all the checkboxes

Click "Save"
Add a new document to the document library
Login to the team site as "Dan Jump"
Delete the document

Now where to find reports?  In some cases, you have to enable the site collection feature called "SharePoint Server Standard site collection features" first to get this link:

Click "Audit log reports"
Click "Deletion"

Click "Browse"
Select the "Shared Documents" library
Open the library, click "You should see the information that "Dan Jump" did in fact delete the document:

Sweet right!?!  The audit log will record everything that happens on the site (as long as you tell it to anyway), even permission changes. But what if "Dan Jump" is an admin up to no good? "Dan Jump" could simply clear that audit log using a couple of methods.

Clear the Audit log:

You can clear the audit log by using the Object Model, PowerShell, or simply running this command:


truncate table auditdata


$spsite = get-spsite "http://servername:100"

 Trying to rerun the report will result in an error, which is a bug in SharePoint by the way (a null/empty report is being returned and it can't handle it):


If "Dan Jump" wants access to the data without any auditing, he can also do that by accessing the database directly. See this post on how to dump the contents of the content database:


And with this guidance, black hat paradise awaits you…this post is designed to bring focus to security and governance.  If you haven't thought about it yet, well….all you should be focused on
is Governance, Governance, Governance BEFORE you deploy SharePoint 2010.


For other security holes that you may not know about, check out this older blog post:


NOTE:  The only way to ensure full compliance of auditing is to turn C2 Auditing on and let the SQL Server storage explosion begin!

SharePoint Health Analyzer Jobs

SharePoint has the ability to heal itself.  Pretty cool concept invented by the guys at IBM a long time ago and finally being
worked into Microsoft products.  In central administration you will find the 'monitoring' page has some pretty neat things on it:

One of the coolest is the Health Analyzer Rules. By clicking on Review Rule Definitions, we will see several of these:

I have explored several of these jobs and being it is RTM, not all of them are working exactly like they were intended to.  One
example is the 'One or more categories are configured with Verbose trace logging.' rule.  This rule is designed to check
if anyone has set the logging setting to 'verbose'.  If they have, it can automatically fix this condition.

Out of the box, we can see the settings are 'Information' for Event Level and 'Medium' for trace level:

As an unexperieced SharePoint admin, you may end up clicking the "All categories" checkbox and then setting the values to
their highest level 'Verbose":


This is bad as it will generate VERY large log files in a production environment.  We are talking
gigabyptes/minute.  This is very bad for a virtualized image as the image file will grow very large.  Then try backing it
up by copying it…not fun copying a several 100's gigabyte VM file around.

Luckily, the health rule will watch for this condition and when it finds it will give us the nice red or yellow bar at the top of the Central
Administration site.  We will also see that the condition has been noted in a rule status list.  Clicking on the item, we will
get a definition of what is misconfigured, note the ability to "Repair Automatically":

Unfortunately, the logging health analyzer job needs an update.  It is suppose to reset the levels back to the default settings.  It does this for the
Trace level setting, but it doesn't touch the event level settings:

These still remain at 'Verbose' after the job runs.  The job should also set these
back to 'Information' as per the out of the box settings.

SharePoint Saturday San Diego – Call for speakers

Want to come to sunny, amazing, awesome San Diego in Feburary (2/26/2010) and meet fellow SharePoint enthusiats?  Join us as a speaker for San Diego's first SharePoint Saturday:

SPS Site:

Register Here:

Call for speakers:
Send an email to chris@sanspug.org with:

o             Name:

o             Title:

o             Company:

o             Email address (for Connections business):

o             Email address (for attendees, if different):

o             Mobile phone:

o             Web/Blog URLs (if applicable):

o             Twitter handle  (if applicable):

o             Bio: <A current bio is required>

o             Headshot: Attach a printable headshot (no 72dpi web-sized jpgs).


For each submitted topic, use the following template:


o             Title: <a sexy, marketable title that also clearly indicates the topic of the session>

o             Content Focus: <IT PRO, Dev, Bus User, Governance, 3rd party tools, etc>

o             Abstract: <abstract>

We will also require that you submit your PPTs before you are confirmed to be a speaker ( you will have till January 15th to submit the PPTs).

This event is hosted by San Diego SharePoint Users Group (www.sanspug.org)
