SharePoint 2010 Prereqs – Installation Failed restart required – Windows Servicing failed

So I was upgrading my development environment to SharePoint Foundation 2010.  Unfortunately I ran into a stopping point.  The pre-req installer would go into a loop!  It would make it to the part of configuring the IIS Application Role and then fail.  The failure would say that a reboot is required.  When the server rebooted, it would start again, and as you can guess, repeat in failure and require a restart!  Yuk!

In the Event Log->Setup, you will see where the install successfully made it too.   You'll see that various roles are being installed and setup.  You just need to manually add those roles and features.  In my case, it was getting stuck on:

  1. Application Server (MSMQ, activation services, etc)

I simply fired up the Server Manager and manually installed each until I got to the root of the problem.  I figured that possible I needed to add the server to a domain but that didn't help.  After 3x, the server manager will give up.  The problem was that the .NET TCP feature wasn't happy.  Why, have no clue.  I had to remove IIS and .NET 3.0 and then run the pre-req installer.  After that, it all went smooth!
